seen any rams on timp?



Ive got the one and only Timponoguos Ram tag and would appreciate word on any sightings. Seen a few but there has got to be some better. Hunt starts Nov. 1 and goes to 30th. Thanks!
I haven't seen them for a while. I live in PG and scope almost every day so I will let you know if I see anything.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-08 AT 03:11PM (MST)[p]If we get some good snows, they have always shown up around the mouth of AF Canyon, looking for love, but last year I didn't see as many. Three years ago I consistently watched 5 nice rams, but who knows where they have gone. I will also try to keep an eye out for you.
Between the preditors and desease the heard has really been hurt. DWR sayes by half or more. This will be the last tag for a few years. I still have faith Ill find a good one. I'm greatful for any help. Thanks

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