seems like a good org to support ?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-18 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]Gov Herbert is a member. Read the Zinke stuff.

Ill pass, but good luck

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
?CSF?s mission is to work with Congress, governors, and state legislatures to protect and advance hunting, angling, recreational shooting and trapping.?

I can see how this would be offensive to someone like Hoss.
>?CSF?s mission is to work with
>Congress, governors, and state legislatures
>to protect and advance hunting,
>angling, recreational shooting and trapping.?
>I can see how this would
>be offensive to someone like

Those evil bassturds!

>?CSF?s mission is to work with
>Congress, governors, and state legislatures
>to protect and advance hunting,
>angling, recreational shooting and trapping.?
>I can see how this would
>be offensive to someone like

Vanilla, Do you find this bill offensive?

This bill:
< makes legislative declarations concerning constitutional protections for private property and related matters;
< provides liability protection for owners of private property beneath or adjacent to public waters;

This seems like a good bill too when you break it down to one sentence written by the proponent. Of course we all know this was a major land/water grab masqueraded as a private property and liability bill.

I don't know about the OP bill, so am not speaking to that, but I know enough to learn more than read one sentence and commit to a position.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-18 AT 08:47PM (MST)[p]It's not a bill, it's an organization. This is simply their mission statement that I quoted above.

For someone that touts the mission statement of another organization so much, I'd think you'd be a little more open to other mission statements that are simply to advance hunting and fishing opportunities for us. I'd think you BHA folks would want to work with groups like this? I guess I assumed incorrectly.

Heaven forbid you open the link to see what something is before going on the offensive...

Did u join? I would think someone who found a group he agrees with would jump in.

Oh, I forgot, you don't actually take stands or join in, you sit in the balcony telling everyone
how wrong they are and how smart you are.

I simply looked at who is a member. When the Utah landgrabbers are members, that's all I needed to know.

But unlike Vanilla, I doubt ill blame them for everything in the universe. Looks like a tiny org(300 members?), doubt they weild enough power to effect wolves and Grizzlies yet.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Oh, this will be fun!

>Did u join? I would
>think someone who found a
>group he agrees with would
>jump in.

They look like an interesting group that has worked to accomplish a lot that benefits me. I had never heard about them before this thread, but I'm looking into it more to see if it's something I'd like to align with. The laws they have both directly helped sponsor and also help pass is impressive thus far though! Compared to other groups that claim to have my best interests, these guys seem to have done exponentially more in the little I've looked at so far.

>Oh, I forgot, you don't actually
>take stands or join in,
>you sit in the balcony
>telling everyone
>how wrong they are and how
>smart you are.

You?ll thank me when the Utah Supreme Court issues it's ruling on stream access. Actually, you won't because you're a complete tool. But you're welcome anyway.

>I simply looked at who is
>a member. When the
>Utah landgrabbers are members, that's
>all I needed to know.

Funny position, with how you've defended BHA against the same type of generalized attacks based upon their associations. Oh wait, you'll take money from anyone. That's right. Hypocritical, much?

>But unlike Vanilla, I doubt ill
>blame them for everything in
>the universe. Looks like
>a tiny org(300 members?), doubt
>they weild enough power to
>effect wolves and Grizzlies yet.

I have never blamed BHA for anything, nor have I called them out on wolves or grizzlies. You?re confusing me with others, which isn't surprising. You?ve shown your true colors time and time again. And it never reflects well on you.

Merry Christmas, though.
>Oh, this will be fun!
>>Did u join? I would
>>think someone who found a
>>group he agrees with would
>>jump in.
>They look like an interesting group
>that has worked to accomplish
>a lot that benefits me.
>I had never heard about
>them before this thread, but
>I'm looking into it more
>to see if it's something
>I'd like to align with.
>The laws they have both
>directly helped sponsor and also
>help pass is impressive thus
>far though! Compared to other
>groups that claim to have
>my best interests, these guys
>seem to have done exponentially
>more in the little I've
>looked at so far.
>>Oh, I forgot, you don't actually
>>take stands or join in,
>>you sit in the balcony
>>telling everyone
>>how wrong they are and how
>>smart you are.
>You?ll thank me when the Utah
>Supreme Court issues it's ruling
>on stream access. Actually, you
>won't because you're a complete
>tool. But you're welcome anyway.
>>I simply looked at who is
>>a member. When the
>>Utah landgrabbers are members, that's
>>all I needed to know.
>Funny position, with how you've defended
>BHA against the same type
>of generalized attacks based upon
>their associations. Oh wait, you'll
>take money from anyone. That's
>right. Hypocritical, much?
>>But unlike Vanilla, I doubt ill
>>blame them for everything in
>>the universe. Looks like
>>a tiny org(300 members?), doubt
>>they weild enough power to
>>effect wolves and Grizzlies yet.
>I have never blamed BHA for
>anything, nor have I called
>them out on wolves or
>grizzlies. You?re confusing me with
>others, which isn't surprising. You?ve
>shown your true colors time
>and time again. And it
>never reflects well on you.
>Merry Christmas, though.

So the answer was "no I haven't" followed by yet another book of "I'm much smarter then everyone".

300 members made up of the land grabber A-TEAM, is exactly the same as Yvon speaking at BHA. You sure got me in that one. But if your gonna quote me, do it correctly. I said use their money to fight. Interestingly, the fight would be with the dudes in this org. Let me know when you join up so we can discuss an actual stand, or actual position you have taken. Its snowing today don't slip from the position riding the fence, it could hurt.

Thanks for single handedly taking care of stream access.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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