Seeking late season 2024 cow elk hunts


Myself and a few friends are looking for guided or semi-guided cow elk hunts for the 2024 season. The previous ranch we hunted in CO was sold so we're searching for a new place.

Open to most places in CO, WY, NM, UT, AZ, etc.

Ideally hunts will include landowner tags. Lodging optional.

Hoping to keep tag + guide costs below $1500.

Please let me know if you have something!
Call Mr Reyes out of Wheatland, WY and offer him that money. I would be very interested to hear what he says !!

Might find an area 7 cow hunt for that but doubtful.
Here are a few great options for both cow elk and antelope doe for this season with guaranteed tags in Utah and New Mexico.

NW Utah Antelope Doe - 3 day diy tags on private ranch, Aug-Oct 31, stay on ranch, can add cow elk for combo......$695

Utah Cow Elk – Cow elk vouchers, private land, Now-Jan 31, high success, lots of land to hunt....DIY-$1,495-$1,950, Guided-$2,350

New Mexico - 3 days guided, private ranch in Unit 18, voucher, meals, lodging and cow tag inc, Nov-Jan dates....$3,995

Contact us with any questions and to reserve your tags.
[email protected]

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