Secret Stash?


Long Time Member
How many of you have a secret money stash for hunting your wife or girlfriend doesn't know about? I use to, not any more. 10 years ago I had a nice stash built up and surprised the wife with a trip to Africa for vacation and some hunting. Since then I've been on a few nice hunting trips and a few new guns just happened to show up. She now knows about the stash, but doens't know how much is in it.
Oh I think all us guys have a little stash.
Reminds me of a good friend of mine a few years back.
We were at the Ball Diamond watching Our kids play baseball,My Friend says to his wife:I'm hungry,you got some money hunny?His wife says:ain't you got some money?He whips his wallet out & shows her there ain't no money in his wallet,so she gives him some cash & we go get some grub,we go back to the bleachers & we get BS'ing about something & he pulls his wallet out to get something when his wife notices a 'stash' in a hidden pocket,geezus the fight was on,she was hot,lmao!

But don't threat there F'er,don't for a minute think them gals ain't got a 'stash' of their own as well,problem is their stash is bigger than ours!
I wish I did! Its hard to have money leftover when I'm the only one that works so she can stay home with the boys.

Only 4 years until weston starts going to school and my wife back to work! Then it will be a bit easier.


You mean like the whore jar?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I have a secret stash. It's up to over $8 now. I get it from lunch time poker games at work. I keep it in my locker at work.



Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Yep... dedicated savings account and a CC reserved just for draw applications.
when WY want to hold on to $5k for a few months for sheep and moose you just about have to...and then there is the NM sheep for anouther $3k.
Just to play the draw game you need to have $10k in disposable income now days. secret stash pales in comparison to what Feleno had built up. Trip to Africa...I could go on a turkey hunt to KS...maybe.

The draws are a good way to build your stash. Apply to as many states as you can and tell your wife not to worry...when you don't draw you will get the money back. If she's like my wife she will get huffy for a couple minutes and forget about it. When you get your, your SOL check it and add to your stash.

My mentor in hunting is a farmer. We went to cabelas to do a little shopping and he proceeds to fill up three carts with everything you can imagine. We get to the check out and he pulls out a huge roll of hundreds. I asked him if he had a new cash crop I was not aware of...nope, his stash comes from scrap metal. Scrap prizes are high...he adds to his stash and his wife has no idea.

I cant keep track of all the gear my buddies have that I am not supposed to mention. One friend has been 'borrowing' my swarovski spotting scope for the last three years.
After my post above I felt it necessary to mention that even though I pull from my business account and pay for items without my wifes permission, she rarely doesn't notice the new item and thankfully doesn't ask how much it was or why. If it is a big item like my new rifle this year I always discuss it with her. She is a keeper.
Most of my "mad money" is in Ford and Sirius stocks under a private account where she can't get to it.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Being i'm the only one in the household, guess you can't call it a "secret stash" but yeah, i must keep a stash of cash or i'd be in sad shape come hunting seasons. I generally run through 3-5K every year during hunting season, not counting work i miss while i'm away. There's no vacation checks or UI when you're the boss, especially in construction work, and hunting season is generally one of the better times for work to come in so i'm actually out more than just the out of pocket expenses of the trips i take.

I don't care though, at least not as much as i maybe should or would if there was a family to feed and provide for. It's MY time, I just flat love to go hunting, outa state trips, in State trips with good draws, or even just a lot of close to home trips where i can relax, maybe get a buck, maybe not, and mix in some fishing. Come Sept, i'm outahere, pulling from my cash stash and spending it on what i truly love to do...and if there's not enough $$$ to pay all the bills later on, so be it (so far so good) but at least i get/got to go Buck Hunting!!

my $.02
I had a secret stash until she found it, and then she started adding a $50 here and there so I decided to not let her know that I noticed!

Been married for over 12 yrs. First 2 years were rocky, So I decided to protect myself with a "secret stash" in case if we ever went to a divorce court and I would have the money for a good attorney. But now over 10 years of putting in to the stash I have a quite large amount of cash and all hidden somewhere in the house.

I want to invest or put it on an account BUT I dont want any trace where the old lady can find out about it. Eventually I will use it for my boys education but thats still a long ways to go. What would you guys recomend for me to do with it? And NO you can not take care of it for me!!!lol
i used to keep a stash, but times are alot tougher, stash has gone to docter bills and such, it's alot tougher now to have a little "stash" , but family first.
My secret stash is in my wife's purse. :)

She buys most of the gun stuff because that is all I want for birthdays, Christmas, etc. She also goes hunting with me and the kids.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I don't have anyone to keep secrets from but yes I do have a stash I add to all winter to help pay for all my weekends at the cabin throughout the spring, summer, and fall...I call it a savings account :eek:


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