Season started for sheep..(picture)



I got to help a friend with his archery sheep hunt that started Monday. We got 1 stalk in, in the morning and closed the distance to 75 yards but got busted. here is a picture of another area we went by empire later in the day. It was steep!
We saw a lot of sheep. thanks to those that passed along some info to Andy.
I heard an S32 archer killed a nice 8 yr old ram in Miller Creek north of Empire opening morn 8/2/04. He patterned the sheep and was waitting in their bedding area for them to return. Good luck! Looks pretty green up there this year. Sandbrew
Its funny in 1 day of helping my friend out I met 1 guy with a tag and knew who the other 3 were that had tags in S32. Was he from nevada?
We saw 2 rams on the hill above the town of Empire opening morning, too bad they were off limits by a couple hundred yards.
Nice set up

I really admire a guy who goes after an animal as notorious for difficult shots as sheep with a recurve!
RE: Nice set up

LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-04 AT 04:29PM (MST)[p]The guy from Reno scored this a.m. on a nice 10 year old ram. He's a friend of mine so I'm really happy for him. He worked hard at it, scouted hard - got to Colorado early to do that and things fell into place for him this a.m.
RE: Nice set up


RamDreamer, Has he checked it yet? I'd love to check it out. Where was he hunting.....roughly? I heard some interesting reports from the last count. Lots of hikers messing up the sheep paterens. Send me an email if you don't want to post here. Any pics?

RE: Nice set up

I met the guy from Nevada and a guy helping him on Sunday night while I was looking for andy. Tell him Congrats. Hoopefully I can post a picture of andy and his ram (when he gets it)!
follow up


Kevin, from Reno, did the DOW check out thing yesterday afternoon. The ram was heavily broomed and DOW aged it at 13 years (instead of the 10 I posted earlier). Incredible accomplishment to arrow such an old monarch like that.
RE: follow up

Congrats to all successful hunters, and good luck to those still in the Bush!

Look forward to the stories and pics.

RE: follow up

Keep the focus Andy!! You can do it for sure.

When was the last itme there was a 100% harvest in a bow-only season?

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