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Man, I love having hunt videos with such awesome videography now. Super fun to watch.

For the love of the game
Stuff like that is exactly what we as hunters need right now. Nonhunters view hunters as "Bubba" who goes and sits over bait and waits for a deer to walk by. I think that this video shows how hard hunters truly work, and that we are not all a bunch of rednecks running around with guns. I also have to agree that I love the videography.
Beautiful footage for sure!

Is that going to be released on DVD, a show on one of the outdoor channels, or what? I couldn't tell from a cursory review of the website...

It's going to be about 30 minute Internet video release around August 23ish. They are also doing a premier in Bozeman a week earlier.
This is what all hunting shows should be. REAL! I'm also tired of bubba running around portraying us the way they do. I Iike to watch a good story more than I like to see a kill shot on a pisscutter. I haven't watched any outdoor shows in years because of this.

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Some serious camera gear being used there. Looks like Red Epic footage! Gotta love the slowmo from that cam!

some awesome shots, that some nice video.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Some awesome vids for sure. I can't believe that the guy in the second vid was hunting in Teva's, I could never do that. I am too much of a tenderfoot.

I couldn't do the tevas either but I've done the mountain bike in Wyoming for elk and I'll do it for deer in Utah this year.

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