Seals Charged with Criminal assault


Long Time Member
What the hell is happening in the USA, some-one please explain how this could happen in a State that is part of the USA.
How would you feel being the cop who had to arrest them.

3 Navy Seal team memebers charged with criminal assault after they captured key Alleged terrorist, Terrorist claimed he was punched in the mouth by his captors and suffered a bloody lip.
(they should just shot his dumb ass)

The terrorist was suspected mastermind in the killing and mutilation of 4 Blackwater agents in Irag in 2004.

They was killed by gunfire and grenades during a attack on there truck well transporting supplies for a catering company.
(bet they al1 would like a bloody lip instead)

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I'm pretty disguested over the arrests also gator. I think the ones that authorized the arrests ought to be taken out by a mob and hung upside down along with all their facists friends.
It just sickens my heart to see how far down the road to ruin, these liberal, PC, jerks, have dragged this country.

Their disrespectful attitude to our servicemen and veterans is unbelievable.

I despise our current administration.

I'm glad I'm old.
Agreed, I think we're all somewhere beyond disgusted with this, but I wonder if the SEALS are also. From what I've read, once they were charged, they insisted on a full court martial, refusing a lesser form of punishment known as an admiral's mast. Perhaps, just perhaps, these 4 brave warriors know exactly what they're doing and are going to expose this stupidity that our government is going through at all levels to ever more people.

On the other hand, next time, perhaps they should just insert a grenade, pull the pin and walk away....
Those who brought these charges against our seals should be roped and drug through the prickly pear then staked to an ant hill till all the meat is gone from thier cowardly hides.

Phantom Hunter
Sounds about right citizens without rights kind of like when i got rear ended by an illegal who then ran from the scene in his car i chased him entil his car would no longer run and pulled over i exited my vehicle to approach the male occupant and he was trying to start his vehicle and did and tried to run me over with his car in reverse one problem he had his window down and i landed a superman punch on the side of his head putting him out for the count he was later transported to the hospital for a broken jaw he was illegal no licence no insurance no registration leaving the scene of a accident he was not charged because he was not a citizen i also was not charged for any wrongdoing at the scene however later was charged with simple assault arrested booked had to retain an attorney go to court and thank heavens the judge over the case thought as i did that this was all a big mistake on the city attorneys office who was asking for 2500 dollars in fines 6 months in jail and a mandatory anger management class however he slapped me on the hand and sent me on my way with only a 500 dollar fine what the hell is happening to the good ol usa!!!!!!!!!
How about this idea, pin medals on those seals chests instead of arresting them. Who cares if a terrorist has a fat bloody lip.
One Big Ass Mistake America and his cronies are the main problem here in the US!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-09 AT 08:27AM (MST)[p]Howdy,

I agree with Phantom Hunter and I've got the prickly pear and mesquite to drag 'em through!!! Bring 'em to me and we'll have at it.

THEN, we'll give 'em an alcohol bath.

I think this is the only the start of worse things to come!!!!

If you want a GOOD read and see what happens to our SEALS in the field when they start thinking of this CRAP......go and read "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell. It will amaze you and disgust you for what these boys have to go through and what they have to think about....

I agree.....I think they should use the 3 S approach with these scum bags....Shoot, Shovel, Shut up!!!!!!
when will America wake up. Is this going to come down to a revolution? GOD BLESS AMERICA ...I hope the Seals make the prosecutors look like idiots.
welcome to obamma land!

so where's zig-zag, FTW n pipe's on this, common i wanna here your spin.....

Hdude and Piper have already replied to this story in another forum on this site. As usual they both pissed on it and our troops. Dude felt we needed more facts in order to conduct a tribunal. Piper found it hard to believe his liberal goverment would do this and wanted more facts. Then they both shut up and turned to other topics because this may be to hard for them to justify their feelings about not having any rage over this dis-service to our troops.

>Hdude and Piper have already replied
>to this story in another
>forum on this site. As
>usual they both pissed on
>it and our troops. Dude
>felt we needed more facts
>in order to conduct a
>tribunal. Piper found it hard
>to believe his liberal goverment
>would do this and wanted
>more facts. Then they both
>shut up and turned to
>other topics because this may
>be to hard for them
>to justify their feelings about
>not having any rage over
>this dis-service to our troops.

thanx, i forgot did they read them their rights...?....
Manny, the damn terr has more rights since Obama placed them under our civilian court. Those Navy SEALS will have less rights if tried under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, UCMJ, in a formal court martial.

The SEALS do not have the rights of the 5th. ammendment as the terr does. Kind of assine if you ask me. But Dude and Piper seems to be ok with it.


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