Sea Lion Poachers



I read about this problem a little while ago but apparently someone took it into their own hands.,2933,354143,00.html

PORTLAND, Ore. ? For years, the sea lions lounging at the Bonneville Dam have had easy pickings from salmon waiting to go up fish ladders to upriver spawning grounds.

Over the weekend, the federally protected sea creatures were themselves easy prey for a gunman who shot and killed six of the sea lions as they lay in traps meant to humanely catch them.

The six salmon-gobbling animals appear to have been shot by somebody on the Washington side during the night, said Brian Gorman, a spokesman for the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Fishermen and American Indian tribes have pushed to protect the salmon and remove the sea lions, by lethal force if necessary.

State and federal authorities were investigating the shootings, and the area was being treated as a crime scene by state and federal agencies, said Brian Gorman, a spokesman for the National Marine Fisheries Service.

The shootings came less than two weeks after an appeals court issued a temporary injunction against federal authorities killing the mammals.

Two closed traps each contained the carcasses of two California sea lions and one Steller sea lion, he said.

In the trapping operations, the traps are left open so the sea lions get used to them. When wildlife agents are ready to remove the sea lions, they close the traps.

Gorman said when officers got to the traps below the dam's powerhouses, where the water is rough enough to make getting to there difficult, they found them closed.

"It isn't clear how someone got access to the traps," Gorman said. "Nobody in an official capacity closed the traps."

The carcasses were found Sunday around noon below the Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River on the border of Oregon and Washington. Necropsies were planned for all the animals.

The discovery came one day after three elephant seals were found shot to death at a breeding ground near San Simeon in central California. Investigators will try to determine whether there is any link between the shootings, Gorman said.

Seven California sea lions were trapped on the Columbia starting April 24 after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals approved their capture. One died during a medical inspection before transfer to a Sea World park.

The Humane Society of the United States has gone to court to challenge the authorization, with another hearing set for May 8. Until a judge rules, no animals may be legally killed.

"We're really shocked," said Sharon Young, a Humane Society spokeswoman, who learned about the sea lion deaths from a reporter. "We're a nation of laws, and we should expect people to abide by them."
People on the west coast need to poach sea lions because they don't have any wolves to poach. Let 'em be.

When I lived in Oregon and hunted ducks and fished in Tillamook Bay, it was pretty wild how the locals treated those seals.

I personnaly hate salmon, so I didn't care if they ate my share. I never developed any hate for the critters, but you could take some real heat if one came thru the decoy spread and you didn't take a whack at it.

Not sure I would compare them to wolves in any regard.

Since the area in the article is about 40 miles from the seems strange that "sea lions" would travel that far....I guess Mother Nature will have her way.
With the salmon fishing being closed down on the west coast due to very few slamon, this will continue. There is a overabundance of seals, sealions on the coast that kill the salmon as they enter the rivers to go upstream.
The locals will take the matter into their own hands to balance things out due to the stand the animal lovers have taken to protect the seals and sealions.

Boo-freekin'-hoo. Way overdue to get rid of the Marine Mammal Protection Act but way too many people who have no clue about man's impact on nature and the need for culling. The tribal boys are probably working on the problem.
Looks like they are changing their story now.

PORTLAND, Ore. ? Federal fisheries officials now say the six sea lions found dead in traps on the Columbia River apparently were not shot to death.

Spokesman Brian Gorman of the National Marine Fisheries Service said Wednesday that preliminary results of a necropsy found no evidence of recent gunshot wounds but found numerous shallow puncture wounds in one animal consistent with sea lion bite marks.

Gorman says X-rays found metal fragments in soft tissue near the neck of two animals.

He says a metal slug was found in the blubber of one animal, but neither the fragments nor the slug appear to be fatal and may have been from old wounds.

The agency is still trying to determine how the animals died near the Bonneville Dam.
This pales in comparison to Luna the whale being sucked into the impellers on the tug boat any way you look at it.
>I much rather club them when
>there pups

It's rude comments like that,
which keep commin back :)
Yea what the hell kindof stupid comment was that?????

Go ahead and think it, but don't post that trash!!!!!

Are you serious?????

That comment shows alot about your character my friend.
I don't see a problem. That particular method keeps the hides in prime shape.....fur with holes in it won't bring as much.
They weren't even shot yet a bunch of whiners that drink the PETA kool-aid were jumping all over local fishermen. If the balance of nature is messed up by do-gooder morons then correct it by culling the herds. Anyone here remember what abalone tasted like? Well, I do and it wasn't over harvesting that made them so scarce it was those cuddly little sea otters.
Not me, I'm going fully guided since I don't have the time to properly scout.
That way I can fly in & start waylaying the little bastards.
If you want a great guided seal hunt, go with Jim "Thumper" Jackson. By the end of the week you'll have callouses on your clubbing hand!

LAST EDITED ON May-08-08 AT 09:48PM (MST)[p]Naw... I just picked up a pair of seal-skin gloves...
Man! jus' booked my hunt!!
Didn't use Jackson, I'm going with Orville "The Wammer" Williams, he recomended a Calloway Sea-Cow Clubber, said Cabela's have 'em in stock, or ya can order through Pro Golf.

" looks like ya blew a seal..."
"uh... no, that's jus' mayonase from my sandwich..."
It's a rich man's game boys. Some doctor from down south is going to fly in the night before the hunt with a custom club and smash all the softest seal pups while his guides block the ice flows so no average whackers can get into the area. Makes me sick.


Ha! You guys don't have do-do on my ringer!

Barry Bonds is out of work.......I'm thinking he can whack them puppies right into the bed of the truck from about 425'.

Might even find a way to market "authentic autographed Harp seal gloves", signed and numbered.....takin' orders now, with deposits. I have to front his drug money.
Look at what this thread turned into...LMAO

You guys need to get out more!!
I never really clubed a gay baby seal(opps I meant to not come across as a homo bad!).. however clubing the seal pups just looked like fun kinda like golf except warm blood squirting in yo face and you using a sickle!
if I worked for Foster Farms Chicken producters You bet your sweet ass I would kick dead chickens too and pick them up by there necks and fling them into the trash can because I think I can kick for the PACKERS and never played in the NBA!
HOW DO YOU PICK UP SICK CATTLE? .....FORKLIFT!! its works who cares? NOW THERES A JOB... the one who saps the cow dead!!
good shot indeed! yes son that his lung and he is dead!
cool dad!
>Ha! You guys don't have do-do
>on my ringer!
>Barry Bonds is out of work.......I'm
>thinking he can whack them
>puppies right into the bed
>of the truck from about
> Might even find a way
>to market "authentic autographed Harp
>seal gloves", signed and numbered.....takin'
>orders now, with deposits. I
>have to front his drug

LMAO nickman!
Would he toss 'em in the air first or sluce 'em right off the deck??
This pales in comparison to Luna the whale being sucked into the impellers on the tug boat any way you look at it.

Dead seals make great wolf bait! Get 2 predators in one!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

You guys realize that "doinittoyourself" is probably pretty pissed off about our little jest on here. Sorry......LMAO.
HERE'S "doinittoyourself"................

or is it "triplek"? (HAPPY MOMMY DAY).
Batter up!

swing and a miss!!
strike one!

two, three! out!
seal-ball? could catch on! except when you connect you have to peel it like a banana
I like to hunt as much as the next guy, but you guys are sick if you think those photos are funny.
eel and elkabong you guys are killing me!
Where do you come up with this stuff?

BTW some of you guys need to lighten up.
its a joke for ch%%st sake

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
>Word today is they died from
>"over heating", not by someone
>killing them!

One more thing to hang on global warming!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The word is "SEA LION" there are no "RIVER LIONS" once they come up the big "C" then I say get your hunt on!!! I hate those stinking belching piles of blubber and pi**. Sell permits and most of us local native Oregonians will fight to be the first to buy the tag.
Did I make clear how much I dislike sea lions ?

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