SE Idaho Moose



Drew a tag for 67-2. My question to those of you who know the area and moose hunting more then me is "What part of the season would be the best hunting?" I have about two weeks to put into it.
I don't know the area, or when your open season is, but here in Maine the last 10 days of September is when bulls are least wary and most susceptable to being shot. Probably the same for your area. Practice your calling elsewhere from where you intend to hunt. Have fun, and wait for a real big one, and show us a picture.
I lived in SE idaho for 19 years. I was fortunate to draw a moose tag in 1996. I had a tag for unit 76-1. I hunted the entire season and had the best luck getting on the big boys in the first part of October, they were alot more vocal and seemed to be worried about the girls this time of year. I finally connected on the 21 of October. PM me with your unit boundries and I would be glad to see if I can point you in the right direction.
30 - sent you a PM

Mainer - thanks for the input, it sounds like it is really similar to here. Our season is very long September, October and most of November.
If I draw my late muley tag in the overlap unit and you haven't harvested your moose maybe we can exhange sightings of moose and muleys.

I'll let ya know what I see scouting in July if I draw my muley tag.

I live just north of 67 (in 65) and killed my bull here about the third week of Sept. last year. He was chasing a cow. If I had just two weeks that I couldn't break up I'd go at the end of Sept. and include the first couple days at the beginning of October, but I saw rut action beginning after the first week of September. Some of the biggest bulls are bagged in November in this area, but the rut is a fun time to hunt them and all the bulls are vocal and moving then. Use your ears as grunts carry pretty far on a still morning. Good luck

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