
Pretty sick indeed. Who the heck knew there was a common "signal" used by tapping ones foot?! Besides, who would ever want to get down with someone in the next stall doing their business?!

Wow, never heard of anything like that before, I'm glad my 100,000 miles per year in the air are over and I never managed to run across any of that kind of funny business. . . If ever i'm in the airport again and have to take a dump, i'm holding it till I get home!

wow, that guy is sicko. . . . I'm just glad they caught him, what a fruit cake. . .
Craig is quoted in the article saying "I was trying to handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously." That's what he should have done rather than try something with the guy next door. :)

I'd hate to have the undercover cop's job. Waiting around in some airport restroom waiting for a perve.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-07 AT 09:08AM (MST)[p]OMG...I can only try NOT to imagine just what "lewd behavior" may have followed the foot tapping signal. GOod lord!

Wonder what happens if some guy is just happy and is taping his toes listening to his ipod or something? *shudder* bleech...

And these foot tapping signals...WTF?? 'Tap once for a bj' "tap twice to give a bj" "tap 3 times for a hand job" "Tap 2 ball-step changes and the kit-kat commercial sequence for anal sex" LOL SICK!!!
I think the main signal was that he touched the other guys foot, that's when LC went from foot-tappen I-pod-guy to looken for something else. . .
>I think the main signal was
>that he touched the other
>guys foot, that's when LC
>went from foot-tappen I-pod-guy to
>looken for something else. .

Sorry T...I edited and added some smart-A comment to my original post.... :p
He says now that he's not gay. seems he can't decide if he's the pin or the pin cushion. sure is good to know we have these family value moral warrior polititians looking out for us.
Get a rope!

I've almost decided to forget politics all together. All I want from the government is the strongest military in the world, a good police force, and a half way decent road to drive on.

....they are all turning into Romans,
We're screwed............

Sounds funny. Even comical.

It's the DAMNED TRUTH.........

Make what you will of it, but 13'r speaks
Total wisdom on this issue.

Bar None.

JB's Nailed this one.

Period, Paragraph........
Did any of you read some of his excuse. Friggin hilarious.

"I have an unusualy wide stance when taking a dump" ROFLMMFAO
LOL - No, but I did hear an interview with a gay guy from that area who said only people that are in the know would be able to do what Craig did. He said that the location is widely known and that Craig would have had to been "taught" the "codes" of tapping and signaling others, the gay man was certain that other's would not mistake casual dumpers for potential partners. . .

Sounds like Craig was born in Idaho, but reared in someplace in the midwest ay?
I'm a little puzzled by some who responded. If it had been a Democrat, I think the response would have been. "Lay off the guy, it's only sex! His own private life. Quit being such a Republican homophobe!"

republicans are the family values party, or did that too change? Craig, while a good political figure for Idaho, was another at the top of the anti-gay movement. I think had this been a dem at the top of the anti gay movement, he would have been shredded just the same. . .
Well T I would have to disagree a bit. The difference is Republicans are calling for the Scumbags resignation and Democrats are calling for his resignation.
Now if Scumbag was a Democrat Republicans would be calling for his resignation and Democrats would be making his excuses or remaining silent.

Oh and your analogy of a Dem being at the head of the anti gay movement is realy out there.............Dem and anti such thing. LMAO :)
It seems that the only difference between the dems and the republicans with gays is the republicans are hypocrites. so we have gay preachers and republican congressmen chasing boys around their office, calling hookers now restroom tap dancers. real high ground you have there.

Sickness and perversion don't know political boundaries. Check out the Dems record also and you'll see that they are just as sick if not worse. Not advocating a third party BUT one would have to wonder.

hey 02, say what you will, but YOU can not escape the fact that the guy winning your party's support right now is a cross dresser. . . LMAO!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Now Craig says he may not step down, the republicans are having a fit. they want to sweep him under the rug with elections coming and put this behind them. funny stuff.

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