scouting velvet bulls and bucks



so far this year has been off to a good start. few friends drew 44 for deer and another friend drew 32a late. I drew the 29 bull and 39-2 late archery either sex.

been deer scouting like crazy and have tons of good pics and tons of good bucks pegged. I have also scouted bulls, have seen 5 nice bulls so far.

cant wait for the seasons to open the flood gates

anyone else having success???
Mostly been looking at 45 antelope, have lots of good spots and seeing quite a bit, a few nice bucks but a lot of smaller ones this year. When I have more time and patience ill post a couple pics I took. Glad to hear you guys are finding some good animals! I'm hoping to take the daughter out for a day on the 13 and set up the cameras and start deer and elk scouting. This year has not gone well for us. I am fully recovered from surgery and would appreciate any info on a good paying local or line haul truck driving company that's hiring round here. Previous employer let me go due to the surgery and recovery total catch 22!! I come with great references and work ethics. Thank you!
cant help with employment but i think i can help with the 45 antelope tag. what is the season, are you on the fairfield side of 45 or the glens ferry side?

let me know, i have some info that will help for both, found a lot of hidden water holes with some nice bucks a while back shooting rock chucks and exploring.
Mountain home side, found some water holes on blm but am afraid they will all be dried up come September 10. I guess I shouldd note that I have great spots on private property that have paid off every years for inlaws but I am more of a fair chase public land Guy, I think the thrill is more intense. Thanks
LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-11 AT 04:17PM (MST)[p]Be careful in 45 for lopes. Son had a tag when he was 12. Had a buck all scouted. Opening light opening day and we see him. We are planning our stalk and these guys with Wyo plates blast around us in a truck and push off the buck on purpose so we can't shoot it. They unload and go the wrong way, so we head the other way knowing the buck's preferences. Again we are within 600 yards and these guys literally plow through the sage just to drive off the lope. This time we go way around the mtn to look for him and when we get around there they are dragging the buck. There were three of them on the mtn, one with a big video camera and two spotter trucks driving the roads and radioing to the guys.

This was my 5'1', 80lb 12 year old son. I WAS PISSED!

So, don't think when you have a buck patterned in that unit that come opening day you wont have a crowd chasing him if you are on public. If you have private that is available I would certainly scout it.
Ya I appreciate the heads up, and that's way MESSED UP bout the hunt, some "hunters" deserved to be shot themselves. Unethical and unsportsman like escopecially when a kid is trying to shoot his first idaho lope. Today I saw 2 HUGE bucks on the border of the private property and blm so am thinking they are taking residancy on the other side now. Water is still holding strong but looked like someone was running all over with a quad and truck possibly pushing the lopes out of the area coinsadently only pushing them to the private property. Yes good for us but still makes me sick and makes all the animals spooky, let alone the fire hazard right now, also these people left ALL the gates open. When ever my wife remembers to bring the laptop home ill post a few pics, but today forgot the camera at home and the 15 minute round trip back home was long enough for them to be gone. I'm gunna start scouting private property towards the end of August then find a spot to set some blinds up. Thanks!

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