scouting trip 09/07/07 score?



This was the nicest goat I found on saturday. Covered alot of area and saw two other decent bucks.


Great prongs! Despite the length on the beams, I still say mid 70s. I'd drill him! That is one skinny doe!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-07 AT 09:32PM (MST)[p]Thats the fawn actually in the photo, the doe was about 10ft to the south, I just went to see if I had a photo with her too, but I was trying to zoom in on him and she was out of the frame. Body wise he was huge I haven't seen a gaot with that deep of a chest/gut, looked like he was carryin twins..... need to figure out how to convert my video so I can post it...

Thanks for the reply

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