Scouting too close?



Well guys work is kinda a joke this week I'm heading out monday to go sheep hunting. I can't concentrate at all got a couple of rams spotted so hopefully no one has messed them up. Sometimes people scout too close and bump more than they know. What are some of your opinions? We like them to be a long ways and somtimes we don't even see a sheep just sign but that still lets us know they are there.

p.s. our area rarely sees human activity in a neighboring unit a forest road goes up it and the sheep dont care if you are 100 yrds I guess it just depends on the area

7mm wsm 600yrd. and closer checkmate
Work is a joke this time of year for most of us, much less with a Sheep tag in our pocket! Congratulations TD. Where are you hunting?
It is my opinion that if you know where some good rams are, stay as far away as you can while still keeping an eye on them. You certainly don't want to bump them to the next mountain range. They are just as likely to get a burr under their saddle, get up and move on their own anyway!
Good luck and keep us all posted.
Im hunting s31 in colorado saw a sheep that we think will probably go close(not quite) to the book if we estimated everything right but we only have seen him twice all summer!!! I guess he is big for a reason counted at least 9 rings but hard to tell at that distance
7mm wsm 600yrd. and closer checkmate
Congratulations on the tag, and finding a great ram!
The trick will be finding him again when your 7mmwsm is in your hand and legal to use! Good luck

I don't like getting too close when I scout. Some guys like to see how close they can get before they bust the sheep! The latter isn't my style.

You never know what you'll run into on public land though.


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