Scouting Report for Plateau Unit


Very Active Member
Here is my Official Antelope Scouting Report for the Plateau Unit.
This year I was curious to know how bad off the unit is after all of last years hype about it. I don't have a tag this year, but I enjoy looking at antelope and spending time down there.

So here are some pictures of what I saw. I hope you enjoy them. These are in no particular order.

I just posted them after I uploaded them.


This guy eluded a lot of hunters last year due to his ability to hide so well behind trees.



. . And the infamous "Red Ear Tag" bull. He really has put some mass on this year.


I know a lot of you are asking yourself, "What the heck?? Where are the pictures of the Antelope?" Well... Do you think I would have posted pics of cows, if I was able to take pictures of antelope?
What once was impossible has now been proven possible, and that is to be able to drive through the unit and not be able to see a single antelope!
I wasn't about to go home without seeing something so I got out and hiked down to an area where I always have been able to see them. I saw a small group of 6. Three bucks and three does. One of the bucks was 72-73 inches, the others were little. Then I checked out one more spot and saw five more, one buck and four does. Unfortunately, I didn't pack my camera to get pics of them.
Granted I only spent about three and a half hours on the unit, but that amount of time last year would have produced 100+ antelope visible from the road. Two years ago I would say 2-300. Three years ago even more- You get the point.
So here is my prediction for this year. With the decreased amount of tags their will still be a high success rate. I think the old "no scouting, one day, shoot from the road hunt" success rate will be limited for those who hunt that way. It simply won't be the hunt that it once was and will require a lot more effort (which I think is good).
I enjoyed those days where I could look over 50-60 bucks a day. I have spent a lot of time down there over the past couple of years and have learned a lot about antelope, mainly because of the high numbers and concentration of antelope there. It is too bad the the DWR screwed up.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
Dr. Hunter, I concur with your post. This unit use to be a great antelope producer. Now your blessed to find speed goats. Granted they are still there in limited numbers but they are more difficult to locate and the quality has greatly depreciated. This unit really is an example of poor management and depleating a great resource. I hope this error can be corrected and lessons learned.
Sad sad deal. I love the Parker Mnt and the goats that once covered it. The fact that this is model they used to count our deer as well scares the hellll out of me. Glad I was able to pull a tag a few years back, great hunt with great memories. I killed the 38th buck I saw on that hunt at 9:30 opening morning.
CABUGLE, there is still the possiblity of taking a decent buck on this unit. You are just going to have to put in some good scouting time. If you are from Cali as your screen name may suggest, I would recommend coming out three or four days prior to the hunt.

One thing in your favor this year is the limited number of hunters. Under forty rifle hunters is a lot less competition as compared to the two hundred plus from the past few years. Good luck and post some pic's of your buck after the hunt.
+1 Vertical,
I do not doubt that you will be able to shoot a goat. In my honest opinion, I think that it might even be a more "enjoyable" hunt in the fact that you won't have twenty other guys looking at the same antelope you are, and not having someone shooting at the antelope you are sneaking up on from 800yds away when you are at only 300yds.

I am willing to bet that the average size buck will be bigger now. It seemed like most guys shot the first thing they saw with horns in years past. The bigger bucks are smarter and don't always stand within 300yds of the road like the smaller ones. LOL

If you need help with the area and are unfamiliar with it, shoot me a pm and I can share some insight and get you in some good areas.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
I drew the ML tag last year. After getting the gloom and doom notice from F&G, I turned it in and was able to keep my points but was out of the tag fees. I did scout it and it did not live up to the hype as it was constantly evolving from it's glory days to the sorry state it is in now. Not happy with the whole experience and raised an eyebrow to the Utah F&G practices pertaining to their piss-poor management.
I've got a Plateau tag also. All this good news sure has me excited about Septemeber. It just makes it more of a challenge. Never hunted the Plateau unit, but I'll post pics after the hunt.
Thanks for the info guys, my hunt is a rifle hunt. I do plan on being out there a few days early to scout, I may be sending you guys a few PM's about some starting points as well as places to camp.


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