Scouting for Sheep


Very Active Member
For many of us, the prospect of scouting for an animal to hunt is as enjoyable as the hunt itself. This year, I was unsuccessful in drawing my resident Wyoming sheep tag. After I whiffed in the draw, I started to focus my hiking and scouting on elk and mule deer. I located some decent early bulls and also a few muley bucks.

I started to get bored and decided there is no reason why I
can't scout for bighorn sheep. In the last two weeks, I have started scouting the areas that I had originally planned to sheep hunt in if I had drawn the tag. Last Friday I was in some very remote "sheep" country and started kicking up quite a few sheep. I also found an exceptional goat chilling by himself on a cliff.

I am going to locate as many sheep as I can for the next few months. I am going into some horrible steep country. It is showing me the places I can access on foot and those that I cannot. I am also finding some potential camp sites and sources for water. It has actually been a lot of fun. As the snow recedes, I anticipate seeing more and more great sheep country.

Nice!!!! Hitting the hills is always good. I'm hopping to get a sheep tag next year had to withdraw my app this year and was bummed especially as it gets closer to sept but I'll be chasing Muley and elk so that should get me through this year!!
Why not, mh?
You're going to have the tag sooner than later and you might as well prolong the pleasure (and pain) as long as possible. All the while, it will make you a better sheep hunter!
Well done,
That's cool. Sounds like fun. I'm ready to get after it and do some backpacking soon.

Brian Latturner
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Urge 2 Hunt

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J & J Outfitters

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