Scouting Dilemma



Posing this question to the forum to find out what your thoughts are on this:

I have a rifle pig hunt coming up on 2/20. The unit is a 3 1/2 hour drive each way. I haven't had the chance to scout yet. The HAM hunt in my unit starts on 2/13 and runs until the 2/19 .

Potential scouting dates: Monday, 2/9 or Monday 2/16.

The first date would be before either hunt starts, the second date would be smack dab in the middle of the HAM hunt.

If I scout before the hunt, the pigs will be on the move and may not be in the same location by the time the rifle hunt starts. If I scout during the HAM hunt, I'll be scouting while the hunters are blasting away in the area.

Which date would you prefer to scout?


Hopefully someone with more experience than me will weigh in on this, but my first assumption is preseason scouting isn't going to help much if you aren't out on opening day. Since you'll be out in the middle of the season the pigs normal routine will already be altered and I wouldn't count on consistent movements or habits once they're under hunting pressure.

My approach (untested, take it for what it's worth)would be to grab a topo of the area and look for areas that are natural funnels like the tops of draws, trails to and from water and food sources. Curious to know what to know what the experienced hands have to say. I could be all wrong but that woudl be my approach. Good luck and have fun on your hunt! Post pictures!

Good Hunting,
Utah, a little confusing but I will be hunting on opening day of the rifle season. However, the HAM hunt starts a week earlier and ends the day before my rifle hunt.

I'm curious how the HAM hunt will affect the movement of the herds. The HAM hunt has about a third of the total tags the rifle hunt has, so the pressure will not be as great. Why the seasons aren't spaced out a little more is anyone's guess, but its more challenging to scout when folks are hunting right up to the start of your hunt.

I would scout the 16th because they will be in the same mood/activity etc......during your hunt. You will be scouting them basically in the way they will be acting when your hunt opens a few days later. I would glass my butt off and find them and they should be around that general area 4 days later....... Allen Taylor......
I agree with Bura. I would go during the HAM hunt and get up as high as you can and just sit and glass. I just finished up with the archery hunt and I was amazed at how far you can spot them with good glass. I went out with QuailRunner from here on the site on the 1st of Jan. and we spotted a group of them at least 2 miles away. And the crazy thing is that we made a stalk and one of the guys scored one. And keep glassing. We spotted them moving at all times of the day. I shot mine at about 11:30 so don't just spend your time early in the morning and in the late afternoon. What unit are you hunting in? Good luck

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