Scottish beauty queen

LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-09 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]
Wow she shocked everyone,She has an amazing voice, Gives you goosebumps.
"I say good for her for showing people not to judge the book by the cover :)"IMO
Sorry, I just couldn't get past her looks to even listen. Had to turn it off before she started.


i photoshopped Mariah Careys head on her and it made it much more enjoyable to watch.

great singer, she shocked everyone.
I agree fireball, there have been many talented people in the past who have done very well based on that talent rather than "the cover". But today it seems we are more vain, more material, more judgemental and rely less on talent and more on glitz, glamour and good looks. Really is unfortunate. And I am no better than the next guy. :)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-09 AT 03:31PM (MST)[p]Wow. that is all I can say. Her voice is absolutely amazing. By far the best that I've ever heard on one of these shows. And ne of the best I've ever heard, honestly.
>she shocked everyone.

Shocked me for sure! That was incredible

Aim Center Mass
A wise man once told me beauty is as beauty does. Just goes to show you that you dont have to be (as the public says) beautiful or hot or whatever to sing. Good for Susan!
Wow.. She is incredible. Love the way the whole house shut up when she began to sing.
Alright I have watched that at least a 1/2 dozen times and I think I have to call shenannigans on that one. It appears to be a lip sync and I just went back and listened to my CD of the musical and it is identical. Hate to be a cynic but it wont be the last time Im wrong.
>All right, all of you: hand
>over your man cards!
>J/K, that was awesome.

I will have to wait until my wife gets home and ask her for it first.
Certainly wouldnt be the first time Ive been wrong, and I hope that I am. Wouldnt be the first time nbc was wrong either though. Besides they are just reporting on what happens, not investigating it.
I doubt they would even attempt to pull a lip sink off and I'm sure they screened the tape/disc. She has a great voice and proves that there are many among us that have greatness in us in some regard and it just needs a chance to surface. It's hard to believe that her talent wasn't discovered and here we are this late in life. I hope she does well.
>Alright I have watched that at
>least a 1/2 dozen times
>and I think I have
>to call shenannigans on that
>one. It appears to be
>a lip sync and I
>just went back and listened
>to my CD of the
>musical and it is identical.
>Hate to be a cynic
>but it wont be the
>last time Im wrong.

She's definitely not a fake, or lip syncing. Susan Boyle appeared on NBC's Today Show this morning, and she sang A Capella for them at their request. She sang it just as well this morning as she did for the TV show. Incredible voice!
I heard her sing it live and I am convinced she is the best voice I have ever heard. As I stated I was hoping to be wrong. Just one of those "almost too good to be true" stories. But nice to see the little guy win big.
She was on Larry King the other night when I was channel surfing. Heck of a voice.

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