Scoring sheep



I would like to get some ball park ides on scores of sheep. If you click on Rod Sinclair name above his sheep pictures, it will put you on his website. Then clic under wildlife pictures, then sheep pictures. Look at pictures 36-38. It is 3 views of the same sheep. What does he score? What does picture 10 and 11 sheep score as well. Thanks. Lots of great sheep pictures Rod!!!
What do you think 100?
I have always been told that to really field judge score, you need to know what herd the sheep are coming from. For example Wyoming sheep have smaller heads and thus lower scores than say Alberta sheep. I would put the hammer down on either, and I am pretty sure both would book, and that is all I would need to know.
Did I read right? Are you headed to Montana to hunt sheep?
I've been studying how to judge sheep this past season and am amazed at how far off people are. Maybe it's me. The problem is it's a once in a lifetime hunt so everyone is an expert by the time the season is over. Here is a picture of a sheep from the Boone and Crockett website that says it scored 175. I'm not seeing it though.

Thanks for the input. How are sheep body and head sizes in Montana, compared to Alberta? The biologist told me ave length 37-38 and mass 15-16 inch bases. 175 class type rams. A few larger. I would think Ram in picture 10 and 11 would be around 180. Ram in pictures 36-38 a little larger. Not as tight curl. Curl a little lower on the jaw. 180 to 185. I'm no expert for sure. The ram pictures that was said to be 175 B&C looks to be 165 class to me. Am I close? First time sheep hunter. Thanks.
There are some great video's out by Duncan Gilchrist about scoring sheep. He has passed away, but maybe his family still sells them. If you have a tag I sure would try to get a couple of them. "Outdoor Expeditions, Books and Videos" P.O. Box 696 Corvallis, MT59828 (406)961-4314
Regards Buff
I think you are generally in the ballpark, but with Rod Sinclair's sheep perhaps a little on the conservative side. If you get Duncan's video I believe he talks about specific herd genetics and how sheep score from one herd to another. The Montana sheep are generally big for Rockys. On one of his videos he shows a 4 year old "Breaks" sheep that pushes the book. Some other units in MT also have really good genetics.
Base measurements make a big difference. That is what I would look at first. If the bases seem big and he has a good frame, then the sheep will generally score well. If a sheep has a great frame, but his bases are small, he will not score near as well. IMHO
Good luck.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-08 AT 07:59AM (MST)[p]first, I think that's the same ram you're looking at . . . it's a nice sheep, my guess is he'd go right at 180. . .

second, it's helpful to know where the ram is from, but it's not always necessary. Bases and mass at the tips are key. It makes little sense for me to tell you how to score sheep when what you really need to do is read everything by Duncan Gilchrist. . .

Also, at the end of the day, there are some great sheep guys, but you will never know his score until he's on the ground and you put a tape on him. . .

bases, tips, and length are the keys. . . some sheep are wide (montana sheep) and some are tight (alberta sheep) but the one thing that is consistent among BIG sheep, is BIG bases. . .


"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
I had to cut my last message short, i was going say, one of the reasons to find out as much about the sheep herd youre looking at is because age can be important. Variation in the rams year by year is common, but it often is useful to know that a typical 180 ram, in that herd, will be 9, 10, or 11, and so on years old so if youre looking at a 8 year old sheep and you like him but youre looking for the biggest, you better keep looking or make darn sure you know what your looking before you shoot him. . . . On mature adult rams, you'll find that the 4 year ring is usually right at the tip of the ear when the ear is out. . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
Thanks a lot Tony. I love your pictures. I have been looking at my past sheep editions of magazines from the past 4 yrs. Good advise. Thanks again.

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