Score this California Bighorn


Very Active Member
What would the biggest ram in this bunch score? I would really like some feedback.
Here's the link:

Thanks, Koby

Koby, All these rams are immature. Look for something with more mass and boxed up. I agree, the biggest one low 140's
140" to 145"

I agree with a couple posters that the biggest ram still looks like he needs 2+ years until he's "fully baked".

Beautiful rams and a cool vid!

What State or Province is this in? Do you have a tag?


PS: I usually over estimate the size when I have a tag in my pocket! LOL
Thanks for your input guys. These rams are in Utah, on the Stansbury unit. The biologist says there are only one 9 and two 8 year old rams on the unit. This is the first year it has been opened to hunting. I'm guessing the biggest ram in my video is maybe a 6 - 7 year old? Here's a picture I took two years ago of two rams. I have seen over 50 rams now but not these two. What would the bigger of these two score? Would it be in the 140s too?

I am not an expert on sheep, but if there are only 3 sheep 8 years old or older, I say put the one in the last pic to rest!!

I am sure he is one of them. Broomed ends, heavy all the way out, and it looks like good bases to boot. I say BOOM!

Remember California bighorns are the Rocky's smaller cousin. On average, they will not score as well as the Rocky's, however some do get to be quite large. I can easily see that last one going into the 160's just on the mass, which is a very nice Cali.


Bottom ram looks great from the side. He appears to be a class 4. Without all angles, score would not even my mind. I can say he is well over 140 though. Looks like a good ram
>Bottom ram looks great from the
>side. He appears to be
>a class 4. Without all
>angles, score would not even
>my mind. I can say
>he is well over 140
>though. Looks like a good

what do you mean by "class 4"? (sorry , i'm ignorant)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-10 AT 08:23PM (MST)[p]The one in the bottom picture is easily a 160+ ram. Might even be 170+ if I could see another angle. Hard to score when you can't see the bases.

The one in the top photo doesn't have much mass or length but he would be solidly in the 150's.
Thanks for your input guys. I really have a lot to learn about scoring sheep but it has been great fun finding to ones I have so far.
A class 4 ram (highest class)is in the group of top breeding rams, usually in the 8+ year old range.

I agree that this ram looks to be in that class and also in the solid 160" range. It's easier to tell if you can see them for yourself rather than in a 1D photo.

For a California Bighorm, this is a good one for sure.

I hunter for 13 days in Idaho and we never found a ram this big.
It was a great hunt and took home a good ram but smaller than either ram pictured.


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