Score this Antelope




What do you think it scores? Looks big to me?
that is a tuff photo to judge he looks to have above average length he looks to be about 16 1/2-17. Hard to tell on the digger but I am gonna be nice and say 6 3/4. If he has moderate mass I would put him at about 82.5- 84.5 in that range just does not look heavy enough to get much higher then that. Still a stud goat and would make anyone a fine trophy.
Nice Goat. I think he is a little light on mass. Upper 70's would be my guess. Adios,
pencil thin!
I would have to see him for a while... appears top dog though!
upper 70's tops.. not enough mass to crack that 80" mark. Still a nice goat..
Man, that looks like a band of antelope I saw a couple weeks ago, lol. Country looks the same too, but I was in N. NV. Nice goat, I would only guess in the upper 70's also, and I was only thinking maybe 15" tall.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-06 AT 05:35PM (MST)[p]Hey guys, take another look at that lope. I would judge his lenght to be high 15 to mid 16 inch. If that height is correct, the base width, when compared to the height, is around 3.5 to 4 inches. good size cutter in the upper 1/2. If the right horn, is similar, can not tell due to angle of photo, that should put him in the bottom of the book around 82 points.

My guess is simple - plenty - BOOM!

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
I would go with around 78. His D1 and D2 are below the prong, so that is good, and the other two measurements will be above and thins out from there. Looks like a 4" prong and 15 to 15 1/2" horns. Need to see other angles of this goat.
I agree with most putting him in the 15.5" range. It looks like he lacks in mass but that could also be the angle and picture. I would put him in the mid to high 70's. One thing I did notice is he has a pretty small body. He looks to be close to the same size as the doe.

Thats a shooter, a hell of alot better than the pisscutter bucks that I have seen lately!

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