Score these pics for a rookie



I took these pics of California Bighorns in Oregon this weekend. I have looked at every picture possible on the internet and still have no good guess what the biggest ram would score. He is second from the right and near the back as they crest the ridge.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-12 AT 08:23PM (MST)[p]


Through my limited experience with CA Bighorns, he looks really good to me. He's much more boxy, broomed and massive than the others. No doubt he's the oldest and certainly the largest of the group.

Lots will depend on the base size. Do you know the harvest data for the unit? average age, bases, length etc?

If I had to be pinned down to a quick score I'd say 155"

I would guess him at 14-1/2 ish for an average base and say 165-167. Now that being said if he's a 13-1/2 or 15+ well do the math but I bet i'm close. do you have a tag this year?

My favorite hunts are because they were with friends and family not just because "I got one".
Thanks for the input. Yes, I have a tag and my gut was he was a 165 ram. We glassed over 25 different rams last weekend. Not sure if he is the biggest, he just allowed for the best photos.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-12 AT 09:21AM (MST)[p]what unit?

Are you going to the FNAWS orientation this weekend?

Here is a picture i took last year and I know the score of two of these rams because they were harvested. take a shot at it turbot, the collared ram and the ram on the far right....


My favorite hunts are because they were with friends and family not just because "I got one".
TurboT, I to would say a mid 160's ram. What tag did you draw? Airhunter looking dead on is the tagged one a 170's class, and the right one a 163ish?
I drew an Aldrich tag.
To me the collared ram looks shorter in overall length 34-35", bases look close on top of his head and he looks like it is steep going up. The right ram looks like he goes back rather than up but looks like there is less brooming and drops more below the chin, so length will be 36-37". The right ram also looks like mass stays with him more so I would say 173 on right ram and 164 on collared ram. Again, I am just a rookie!
I cant make it this Saturday. I really wanted to, but my best friend and I are doing a bike race fundraiser for ALS in Mt. Angel. His mom has advanced ALS and takes the priority over my sheep.
One thing to remeber on sheep is that a longer horn will hurt your base measurements(typically).I had guessed that Ram on the right to have a 41" horn, the bio thought i was crazy but it ended up going 40" and scored right at 170". The collared ram has horn length of 33-1/2 but that helped his bases and he's very even so he scored net 168-1/8.
Get ahold of Tipton, he had the tag last year and did it with a long bow....

My favorite hunts are because they were with friends and family not just because "I got one".
I believe C. Tipton is in Iraq or Afghanistan. Wow that one on the right really threw me! Both are great rams! Congrats on the sheep tag, it's gonna be fun!

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