SCI - Reno




The circus is in town!?!

Why yes...$$$

I came here for the convention...$$$

I own a big gun...$$$

and have lots of amunition...$$$

Life is good...$$$

Makes up for my piss poor hunting skills...

See Ya...

p.s. - i'm just a cynical/bitter wannabe...
cynical/bitter, yes.... but you forgot douche bag as well.

SCI is the best thing that could ever happen to that rat-hole town..
.....and all this time I thought it was the Brothels that were the best thing to happen there.. :)
I go every year. I don't have a lot of money but I do own a few guns and some ammo. You need to grow up a little. There are some fun associations that happpen there and it's a great show. If it wasn't for the hunting shows in Reno what would you have? Oh yah I forget.....the "King Pin" fest. Woohoo!

It's always an adventure!!!
I agree with the rest. SCI is a GREAT organization that gets a bad rep just because of a few small things!

I usually go to the Reno show EVERY year, but this year I will not be able to make it and I am hating that I am not there!!!

I have met some FANTASTIC people within SCI! We have a Southern Utah Chapter and it is nothing like you describe! It is just a bunch of guys that LOVE to hunt and want to be able to do good things with the money that we make at the banquet every year!

I think it is terrible to generalize about a entire organization!!!!!

And yes....what the heck else does Reno have??????
My Taxidermist has a booth there, said he cant start my mount till he gets home :-(

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

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