Scenic Salt Lake Inversion!!!


Very Active Member
Took these a couple hours ago coming in on a the morning flight. Not that bad of a view from above. Yep, most of us are down in this muck somewhere living and breathing!

This is banking over Herriman looking towards down town.


Only thing that could make it worse is living in Logan!


Ogden wasn't that much better, cough, cough, weeze.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-10 AT 12:34PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-10 AT 12:33?PM (MST)

Holy crap ForkWest!!!! Inversion??? I haven't heard that word for a LONG time!!! :7

I went to college in SLC (Westminster...), and I remember my first winter there. Born & raised here in So. AZ!! Let me tell you, that first winter living with that crap was a SHOCK!!!! Unless you've lived in that stuff, you have NO idea!!!!!

Good luck to all of the 'fog breathers'!!!! Sunny & 70+ here in Phx today!!!

If I didn't know better I would suspect that second pic is Manny16's brain after a MM bash with the boys.

Here's what it looked like under the fog:

I opened the windows and took a deep breath today as I crested Sardine Canyon and went over Trappers Loop. It was nice up there.

It sure makes it great to get up in the mountains!

Pray for snow! It better start snowing soon or we'll be drinking dirt this summer.

I would still rather deal with winter time inversion in Utah then live in Phoenix.

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