Scary video--Is this for real??

Yup! It's all true! It's called the 2nd comming of Christ & when he gets here he's going to be pissed!!!

These "New World Order" guys crack me up ... scare the crap outta me .... mostly because some people buy into it. Same folks that worry about "black helicopters" and "area 51"

< i love the drama >

must be the same people that think Bush brought down the towers, cant wait for Dudes responce.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-07 AT 11:13PM (MST)[p]This has been out there for a while, sounds kind of X Files to me. Bush isn't smart enough to be involved in anything this complicated , he would have spilled the beans the first week.
So its all about the "Matrix".....where is Neo when you need him.
That was hilarious

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
I know some of you MMers believe this, just by reading your writings its the media conspiracy, its the libs. The end of the world the antichrist is coming Nostradamus predicted this. Come on fess up, not too many of us will make fun of you.
why do you think congress ain't doing anything about the illegal boarder crosser's, one world government, bush ain't ass dumb ass he looks...its all an act...

dumb as a sheep before his sheerer's

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