Scariest war movie firefights



Ok! I have to go with Forrest Gump when 20 or 30 NVA open up with AK47?s at about 50 yards. The camera angle with the tracers whizzing past your ears.

Perhaps Platoon. When the colonel calls in the air strike ?on my position? ?we are over run?! Let's hear your opinion!

WWII History is one of my hobby's. My personal favorite war movie is Battle Cry! The scene where Colonel Huxely gets killed and his angry Marines mount bayonets and charge the Japs gives me goosebumps every time I see it.

Many of the scenes from "Band of Brothers" fit in the best category as well. And they are about as true to life as Hollywood can get. It's been fun to read the original Ambrose book, and the ones written by other Easy Company Men. ##### Winter's book is great as is Don Malarkey's, Buck Compton's and the one co written by Guarnere and Hefron as well as Webster's. They all give authenticity to the mini series and show how historically correct it is.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-08 AT 09:47PM (MST)[p]

Almost any firefight scene in Saving Private Ryan-

but for sure the opening scene of the movie!

Several scenes in Saving Private Ryan scared the hell out of me. They made it so realistic. The D-day scene was probably the scariest.
mine has to be storming the beach at the beginning of Saving Private Ryan
I'm with Beanman on The Band Of Brothers, That whole series was good stuff..........
Just to throw in a favorite from a great movie, i'll mention the footage where Forset Gump's platoon got shot to hell in a pretty realistic sounding firefight. "Run Forest, Run", he did, but went back looking for Bubba, ended up carrying out a bunch of his guys, inc. Lt. Dan, before the jets came in on top of them for ground support. That last part where Gump was running carrying Bubba, the jets, the noise, and the huge ball of napalm(sp) fire catching up to them as they exited the forest was/is a mind blower!

No Feleno - no one else ever saw that movie - except maybe JB, and Tag, and Ransom, and RUS, and TripleK and.... ok so I was probably the only one who never saw it! But that was a good $9.99 I never wasted!

No back to the point -

Recently it has to be the opening scene from Saving Private Ryan - but I can remember watching some WWII movie, can't remember the name, where they were waiting for the next wave of Zeroes to come in and they didn't know exactly when or where they were going to come from, they were exposed and undergunned - I don't remember the actual firefight - but I remember that tense waiting as being one of the most horryfying experiences of my life. I had recurring nightmares about that throughout my childhood. That was when I first learned to wake myself up and come back to reality - it always felt better being awake after that!

Also Braveheart has some pretty intense hand to hand combat - bloody bloody bloody.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Probably aging myself but The Green Berets did it for me, even after all these years.

There have been others since, Private Ryan, yes, also some good stuff in the one about the Navajo code talkers.

If it was before your time, you should watch it, and take note of when it was made, like about '68, really hit home for some.

+5 on Band of Brothers. Still my all time favorite war anything!

Aim Center Mass
I have to agree with Saving Private Ryan. Of course the opening scene, but the scene that hit me particularly hard was the one were the German and American were in hand to hand combat becaus they both have run out of bullets, on the second story of the building. All the while there was serious fighting going on out in the streets, and eventually the German gets the upper hand on the American, is on top of him, and the American knows he has lost and you can see the American is trying to plead for his life with his eyes, as the German slowly pushes the bayonet through his heart. I could not watch that movie for a number of years because of that scene.
Saving Private Ryan on Omaha beach. I liked it because it was factual. In real life the landing was a total FUBAR. I can't imagine charging across 200 yards of open sand in face of all the 88mm canon, mortor, and machine gun fire.


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
+1 caelkhunter! Freaking Upham! Wussed out and could have saved their lives!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
For the Cold War? I guess the battle with the Russians, on who's going to be, 'Nailin Paylin'...

I'm with Rackmaster. We Were Soldiers

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear. - Mark Twain
I have to agree with that one. I still cant watch that scene in the movie. I'm still not sure why it bugged me so bad. I can watch hunderds of peope die on the beach, but a one on one knife attack freaked me out.
Anything in saving Private Ryan. We took my grandpa (WWII vet) to see that movie in the theater. He was there for the whole invasion of Iwo Jima. He said that the movie was too real and regretted watching it. He loves the older war movies though.

Feleno.....the movie you saw was called "Shaving" Ryan's Privates" .....c'mon, get it right.


No doubt Saving Private Ryan, but the scene in the Green Berets when their camp was overrun by the NVA was very intense. Some of the hand-to-hand in Braveheart was also wild.

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