Scanning Pics to Email


Long Time Member
I've been trying to scan some older pictures to my email so that I can have them on my computer instead of on paper. For some reason, they are not being sent to my email. Have any of you guys tried scanning pics to your email and had problems with your email receiving them? Thanks.


You may want to put your scans in to a PDF format and you can keep them on your computer and you can also attach PDF's to an email. Just another way of doing it. I usually put scans in to a PDF as it is an easy way to attach to email and I can keep them on my desktop as well.

It is scanned in PDF format....and that is why I don't understand why it is not scanning. I scanned a pic that was taken about 2 years ago and it worked. problem is why aren't these pics able to be scanned? They are only about 7 years old or so and they look fine quality wise. I don't get it. AND I've tried it on the two different scanners here at my office.

Did you check the settings on your scanners? You can change the type of scan, documents, photos, etc.? Other than that don't know why they wouldn't scan.

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