
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-10 AT 11:43PM (MST)[p]Lots has been said, and allot more will be said but some folks do it, some of us just talk about it.

Mr. Peay may not to be happy that I'm posting this but you should know:

The SFW hunts for Heroes program has been a great program, and has show our military men and women, just how much we appreciate their service and sacrifice. SFW has always put our money where our mouth is. It has also helped many people who don't necessarily understand hunting or conservation, really come to know, Sportsmen are the good guys in the White Hats.

Thanks to Wyoming Game and Fish Commissioner Clark Allan, SFW has TWO Wyoming Commissioners deer or elk permits for the 2010 hunting season for sale ? with 100% of the proceeds going to send a returned veteran on his dream hunt in Canada. When the price is right, they will be sold.

If you are interested in making a bid on ONE, or BOTH of these tags ? please email me, and remember what 100% of the money will go towards, making a dream come true for a young American Hero, who wrote a blank check for all of us, up to including his life, which fortunately, that check was not cashed.

Second, Denny Austad of Idaho was SOOO touched by the SFW event last year at the Expo with Marcus Lutrell, Jeff Foxworthy and Karl Malone, that just before Christmas, he called and asked if SFW would accept a $20,000 donation for this program for 2010. Thank you Denny !! If his name rings a bell, it is because Denny is a VERY GENEROUS donor to our wildlife conservation programs as well. He also took the world record elk on Utah?s public lands in 2009.

Just one day after Denny called, Paul Niemeyer, a former Utah Wildlife Board members sent out an SOS. An employee of a company in a small town in Southern Utah had just found out their son had been seriously injured in Iraq and was on his way to Walter Reed in DC. The family had a place to stay once they got to DC, but had no funds for airfare, or loss of work.

With the economy the way it was/is, and that close to Christmas, asking for money was hard to do, but thanks to Denny, in one fell swoop, it was easy to deliver.

Because of Denny?s generosity, SFW was able to immediately wire $1,500 to get this family back to DC to be with their son, one of our American Heroes.

Also, sitting on my Desk is a $1,500 check from the Chance Phelps Foundation to support our hunts for heroes program. It is so busy, I haven't had the opportunity to discuss with Chance?s mom what to do with that check, many of us have been so touched by Chance and his story.

It is an honor to work with such an INCREDIBLE group of people, who just happen to be sportsmen.

Thanks to all of you, the EXPO is looking to be GREAT, AGAIN


Of course I'll get a Scotch Blessing regarding "The Don" and the wealthy and all the rest but let me tell you my story.

I done my battles with Mr. Peay, they started in 1993 and we still have our moments, and we don't do it on the Internet Forums, it's live and real and nose to nose. That's not to suggest we've always disagreed because we both love hunting, fishing and the outdoors and I've come to believe that we both have the same desire and that is to preserve and protect a way of life that we love.

Inspite of our difference, when Don learned that my son had been called to serve in Ramade Iraq he called me and asked, "DeLoss, I heard your son is going to war, is that true". I told him that he had heard correctly. He responded, "What do those guys need, I don't care what it is, you let me know and see to it that they get it". To the credit of the military whenever I asked my son what if anything he needed he said that they had everything the needed, supplied by the military.

Once every two or three months during that year, Don would call and check on my son and always, always ask, what do they need. Isn't there something we can send them. The answer was always, "no, tell him thanks but they are taking good care of us, we have what we need to do the job".

Don had never met my son, didn't know a thing about him.

One afternoon after my son's return we got an e-mail for Don Peay and were told that SFW and started a program for returned soldiers called "Hunts for Heros". The message said that my son, his wife and another soldier and his wife,who had served with in in Iraq had been invited to go on an all expenses paid Alaskan Fishing Trip for 7 days, not including travel time.

Through the generous offer from HooDoo Sport Fish Lodge and Adventures, owned by Rod and Vicki Schuh and all travel expense including, airfare, meals and lodging provided by Don Peay and SFW these four young heros had a fishing trip they will never forget for the rest of their lives. This was not a cheap, publicity stunt trip that end up in a disappoint. It was a five star, world class, you can't buy better experience. Just getting to Rod and Vicki Schuh's lodge in Alaska takes three different aircraft and three days of travel. The hospitality, the lodge, the food, and fishing was beyond their wildest dream. My son told me they caught some many king salmon they would have lay down on the grass next to the river and rest their arms because it was not stop for 7 days and rarely where the fishing 20 pounds with may approaching 40 and 50 pounds.

So when Mr. Peay say's he'd helping these kids and their families out, when he say's he trying to let our soldiers know how much we appreciate them, he means it. There is not fluff or smoke and mirrors when it comes to Don's patriatism. He is above all, a Patriot.

Don Peay owned me nothing, nor my son. Prior to my son going to Iraq I was nothing more than another sportsman, complaining about the deer herd. I didn't like the Dedicated Hunter Program and I still don't. Don knows that and he didn't care.

So, do I support SFW and will I be at the Expo, yes I will, and I'll be doing all I can to help wildlife and the outdoor life style along with Don Peay, even if a lot of you see it from a different prospective. Somebody has got to do something and SFW is trying, for better or worse, they are trying and it seems you got to appreciate that whether you agree with every decision they make or not.

Hope to see you at the Expo. (Nope, Don did not suggest I post this, I'll most like get my butt chewed out for doing it.)

Here's one of the fish for the Hunts for Hero's trip:

LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-10 AT 00:51AM (MST)[p]hope they bring a good price. sounds like a great cause...

Great Idea, Hope they bring a great price.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
What a great program! I don't agree with everything SFW does at times but this program, as well as a lot of other things they do is great.

Their contributions to conservation out weigh the things I do not agree with. Therefore, I will continue to support the cause.

Thanks for this thread!
Great story and well written. Sounds like there are a few "heros" out there. Good people don't always see eye to eye, but common ground can be found if they look hard enough.

WoW! Very Well Said. I'm not a member, don't even know if there is a chapter out here in Calif... but if there was, after reading your post Lumpy, i'd have to go out and join up!!

That is a great program and I am glad your son got to participate! I am thankful for his service!

I do not support SFW in anyway, but I do and always will support these type of hunts.
SFW is doing great things for Vets and wealthy folks. Sorry if you are not in the above groups and are just Average Joe Hunter cause you are getting the shaft when SFW sets up shop in your state.
How exactly are we getting the "shaft" outdoor? I hear alot of complaing about SFW but what are they doing that is screwing people like you and me? please explain.


"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
> How exactly are we getting
>the "shaft" outdoor? I hear
>alot of complaing about SFW
>but what are they doing
>that is screwing people like
>you and me? please explain.

Maybe speaking as a resident you don't get as much SFW shaft as us NR's? Outdoor's profile is disabled, but I am going to assume he is a screwed NR like me. Look at it from our perspective. How would you feel about an outfit coming in, taking 50% of your resident LE quota tags away, turning them into raffle tags, and requiring you to fly to Chicago if you want to buy a snowball's chance in hell of winning one? This is after you patiently waited in line 14 years to get in the top draw pool with the 90% quota.

We are all nonresidents somewhere.

Semper Fi
If not for the SFW there may not be anything worth coming to Utah to hunt? You poor picked up NR hunters! I know when I go hunt another state I am usually just happy for added hunting oppurtunity.

You know all the Western states should sell all open land to private landowner. Then we could not have anywhere to hunt without high fees. Just like the eastern states! The last time I checked the SFW was one of the leaders in saving public land that benifits everyone. Including NR hunters. ILArcher you should look at the whole picture before post a comment. 50% where do you get your numbers? Lets hear more of your well informed opinions.
Oh yea, thank god for SFW, because if it weren't for them there wouldn't be anything or anywhere to hunt.(Rolling my eyes)
Where does it say those permits were taken from the Non resident pool. All I have seen in the past few years are Non resident permits on the increase.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-10 AT 08:33PM (MST)[p]Unless State of Utah lies...they say the 200 tags came 100% out of the NR pool. Nice. Then SFW works the deal to require all those NR to be IN PERSON in SLC (in fricking frozen February at that) so a handful go to NR and the rest go to Utah hunters. Nice touch as turn the blade.

If SFW is dedicated to helping out Average Joe Resident be sure to not try to explain why MT and CO have been able to increase hunting opportunity for Average Joe the past 10 years as well...without SFW and without 100s of primo auction tags. Without having fat wallet guy with the private CWMU tag getting an expanded season. Guess you need to be in the Club to get the royal treatment. And once you are in the club, you need really big elk on the mountain that you buy every year. Now explain why there are 100s of tags for auction and most do not go for $10,000s each. That would be to support the guide lobby. Not Average Joe. My 2 cents.
Tell me why someone like yourself who does nothing to support wildlife and does nothing but take, deserve a tag in Utah?
Non resident permits have done nothing but gone up. Utah gives atleast 10% to non residents which is more than most states will do. I can tell you first hand it has nothing to do with the "guide lobby".

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
Not sure how CO and MT increase hunting opportunity. Fact is, some of the folks on the MM site think maybe MT is having it's troubles too. CO has done better it seems, at least their deer seem to have made a couple of come backs in some places. To answer your question specifically I believe (could be wrong though) Colorado funds their Wildlife Dept differently than we do here in Utah. When a Colorado unit goes over the edge they are able to reduce permits without a loss of revenue to their Wildlife Dept. Not the case in Utah, tag reduction is a revenue reduction to our DWR, or so I'm told. Therefore management techniques in Colorado can be very different than they are in Utah.

Montana I can't speak to. Don't have any idea how they raise money for their wildlife budget.

I can tell you with I believe, Utah is so desperate for revenue they are willing to do just about anything they can to fund the needs of wildlife here. Nor do I believe our method of funding our DWR is appropriate but until SFW and others can convince our legislature the error of their ways we are stuck with it. Lord knows, we have tried for 30 years.

We are just fighting for every dime we can get to improve our herds, some believe we are foolish, others see it as creative. Utah depends tremendously on Tourism dollars throughout the State budget. We spend a great deal of money to let folks know there is a lot to see and do in Utah, I can assure you none of us who life here have any sinister desire to drive non-residence away from the State, I think we are a lot like the folks from your State, we're just trying to make it all work and do all we can to keep it between the ditches.

I continue to be amazed at how little it takes to wake up the whiners on this site.

Waaaah! Someone benifited from something and I didn't get my share....waaaaah!
I am not totally sure how the idea has come about that the Expo tags have come soley from the non -ressy tag pool?

Granted by doing a numbers % and then adding in yet another numbers % you can inflate the non-ressy tag's 'taken' but I personally feel that the amount of tags taken has been absorbed with the normal increase of animals thus some increase in public draw tags over the Expo life span to date.

No secret, I am 100% against the Expo scam tags but I think one must have some education of the process before going off the handle upset and throwing out unproven numbers.

Nothing personal to anyone----but if I am going to ##### and moan, I think I should have some historical knowledge of the topic.

One last time

When SFW started, there was around 1,000 limited entry and once in a lifetime permits.

today, that number is close to 5,000. How is 90% of 5,000 less than 100% of 1,000 ?

Of the 5,000 tags, 5% of those are auctioned. 5% are expo tags.

REsidents and NON RESIDENTS have 100% equal chance at drawing the Expo tags, no discrimination, the ONLY PLACE in teh US where that happens - you do have to show up and help create the future hunting, not just apply on line and take.

Not going to debate what role SFW has had in helping go from 1,000 to 5,000.

And come to the expo and take a look at all the MONSTER BUCKS from utah's public land this year, taken on limited and general season units, places where 15 years ago, the hunt was closed becuase of so few deer and so few bucks

The Expo is a GREAT show this year, the taxidermy, the exhibitors, the energy and passion from positive people is worthy of the effort to show up.
Wait a minute Don. You can't imply SFW is the reason we have 5000 LE tags instead of 1000 and then say you're not going to debate it. Or, at least be called out on it. I for one think SFW had a SMALL roll in it, but not as big as SFW likes to imply. I also am not so sure having just about every hunt in Utah being LE. It's in the works to make general deer LE by going to units. People want to hunt, not every one is obsessed with antler size, yet SFW seems to no get that. How many more LE elk tags could we have available to the public if we moved season dates around a bit and stopped having the most effective weapon hunt during the bull elks most vulnerable times? Alas, that will be fought by SFW because it will result in lower funds raised from conservation permits. As in all politics, and SFW is as political as the day is long, follow the money. the money trail will lead right to the cancer. I am not talking about the money of those who buy the conservation tags either, I'm talking about those who are so addicted to these funds they make recommendations based on these funds instead of what the masses want. The new elk proposal reeks of elitism and arrogance.
I don't really have a dog in this fight,but I will say this:SFW was started by a grassroots bunch of sportsmen that were sick of the crappy hunting in Utah,and wanted change.They organized and did just that.And are still doing it today.If you don't like the way they are doing stuff,DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!I get sick and tired of whiners who do absolutely nothing but sit on thier duff and pound a keyboard.Not singling out anyone,but if the shoe know who you are.
Who cares who has done how much. SFW has been very active in helping restore Utah wildlife. If you read these posts on MM for any amount of time, you will see from the bickering, why sportsman cant get anything accomplished. The only thing sportsman can agree on, is that they disagree. Thank god someone is fighting the fight, for better game management and opportunity. I think many people have a short memory what Elk hunting was like in this state just 12-15 years ago. My faverite T-shirt I have ever seen was one a guy in the C-130 hanger wore all the time. It was a spike bull walking with some cow elk. It said on the shirt Utah herd bull !!! He was correct twelve years ago. But not today.
SFW did SQUAT until someone else paid for it thru the Conservation Tag program.

I have every single print out on Con orgs since 1993.

Trust me---RMEF was in the Habitat and Wildlife game WAY before the Charity Paycheck crowd showed up.

SFW did SQUAT until someone elses money -- via the Conservation Tag program paid for it.

Here is a hint for you johnnny come late guys......I was on the Capital Stairs back in the day SUPPORTING--- Deceptive Don.

Please---get some Historical Knowledge before you post all these SFW Apologist Team gigs.

I am not calling you out nor challenging your intellect---but please take the time to get some historical knowledge of the true that not a fair request?

It's not hard to write a check for $1,500 when somebody has given you $20,000...At the core of SFW relationship with Austad and all the other deep pockets is the public resource of big game tags. Without the tags, there is no Daddy Warbucks.

My beef with SFW and this is why I will never join, is the fact that they are so secretive with the money. It is possible that SFW could be squandering most of money on midnight runs to Vegas, large houses and fast women while doing a few token wildlife projects. I have yet to see a number that says X% of every dollar goes to wildlife and Y% is for administration costs. What if those numbers were 40% to wildlife and 60% to admin costs. Whould you all still donate SFW?

Look at the United Way...the first thing they say when asking for money is that 3% is for admin costs/salaries and the remaining 97% go directly to the cause. Why does SFW refuse to make these numbers public!

I have got to think that SFW and MDF clear anywhere between 1-5 million throughout the year and the expo using pubic tags as the flagship product. We the public have a right to know how effectively that money is being used.

It's not hard to do 100K in conservation projects with a million dollars.
It's like if an investor came to me and asked for money and said don't worry about the numbers, just trust me. How many of you would invest on trust without seeing the numbers!

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