Savage Wild


Active Member
Anyone see this show? This guy is certifiable. Last week he swam with giant gators. He latched on to a 15 footer. This week he was hunting pigs with a spear. He looked a little like a freak and I have to call BS on about half of what he did. He kept talking about a giant boar that he was hunting. It had killed 7 dogs and was on a rampage throughout the area. He ended up spearing a small hog from a tree. He kept talking about how huge it was. It looked more like they had just let it out of a creat off stage and walked right under him.
It is kind of an amusing show to watch but he's way out there.

I'm waiting for the episode where he gets eaten
I saw the boar with a spear - that was pretty primitive, but cool nonetheless. I was surprised they showed the pig squealing and writhing in pain. I didn't have a problem with it, but it's not exactly PC TV. Even the Nuge doesn't show stuff that graphic and gruesome.

The croc episode was just plain idiotic IMO. Darwinism at it's finest. Guess it's like petting Great White sharks.
Yeah, i saw both shows too. That gator swim where he dove down and grabbed that big ol guy and held on while it pulled him along, was too much. Never, EVER, catch me swimming in that water!! :)

ever seen the mtv movie jackass? well, that guy used to be on the jackass tv show as a guest quite a bit. they did a lot of stupid $hit on that show too.
what channel is that guy on? Never heard of it but I would probably watch it. Unless its one of the guys from Wild Boys. Those dudes is queer as they come.

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