Savage Striker Needed!



Last Week I had a stroke and cannot shoot my rifles because of the possible damage to the fragile blocked corroted artery in my neck... I have a antelope hunt I need to make to Wyoming with my youngest daughter both she and I have buck tags... the Doctors said that I can go on Sept.25 if I watch my restrictions... So I am looking for something like the Savage Striker bolt pistol which could be shot away from my neck and still make a 150+ yard shot...

If anyone has a .243 Savage striker for sale please let me know soon!... Ported would be a plus but not 100% needed

Thanks, Scott Balts
Good job trapper, you didn't mess around. I hope it shoots well for you and solves your problem. I didn't notice that the auction was closing so soon when I posted it.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
Did he buy it ? I hope so , great job D13er finding it.

I think its awesome that a person can turn for help here at Monster Muleys and theres ALWAYS someone willing to help...

Thank You so much D13er, for the Quick notice on this Gun... I had just enough time to check it out with a few questions to the seller... and then I won the auction ... it Was the exact model with all the features I had hoped for... Stainless fluted w/ a muzzlebrake in a .243Win. Now I need to find a Good enough scope for this years Antelope hunt...

I can't spend too much on the Scope but I need it for shots out to 200yards...

Thanks again!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-06 AT 09:15AM (MST)[p]Lets us know how it shoots I was looking at get one for those tall mountains.LOL
Hope things work out for you, good luck on your hunt.

Thank You all... I will have my daughter for a Gun bearer... and I plan on Walking pre-dawn to a few known locations which I have on my GPS from previous lope hunts to Casper Wy. I can use my Harris Bi-pod with the .243 Striker on the hillside just like I am used to with my Rifles... only I can't lift over 5#s in each hand so I will let my Dad and Daughter help... I am 41 and am used to being their Guide and help but this year the roll will have to be reversed... I should have most everything back phisically by next season.

Scott Balts

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