Saturday Night Live opening skit


I got home from a 13 hour drive yesterday at the end of my Monroe elk hunt. I finally have some time to start enjoying the other threads on here again. As I was reading last night, Saturday Night Live came on. The skit to start the show was a parody of Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton in a joint appearance. IT WAS HILARIOUS!!! It might have been the funniest opening skit I've seen on SNL in many, many years.

And that was after having our drive home delayed by 30 minutes in Carson City due to all the traffic that was leaving the convention center after Sarah Palin had just finished her speech. We didn't know she was speaking in Carson City, and listened to it on the radio while driving there from Fallon. I think the whole town turned out to hear her speak. Traffic was awful, and I think every law enforcment person in the whole state of Nevada was there. It was a huge crowd.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-08 AT 09:58PM (MST)[p]Thanks!

I went to SNL's website and copied the link to the opening skit, if you haven't seen it. I thought it was as funny as anything I've seen them do in a long time. Especially when 'Sarah' referred to people calling her a Milf, and 'Hillary' referred to being called a Bonershrinker. Also, when Hillary suggested the media grow a pair, and if they needed she'd lend them hers, that was HILARIOUS!

Here's the link, enjoy:

Thanks for the link, that was a classic!!

Also your story of your elk hunt was a classic as well. Probably the best thread ever on MM.
I thought it was hilarious as well. And so true. If Sarah Palin can be Pres.(cuz she will be if McCain kicks the bucket in office) ANYONE can.

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