Sasquatch new footage

If you believe thats real my daughter has some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.
> If
>you believe thats real my
>daughter has some ocean front
>property to sell you in

just like ufo's right, can't talk me outta that one cause I've seen two, with my wife as wittness and a huntin budy on the second?...
> Have'nt we made
>a ruling on this issue

sorry i must have missed it, whats was it please?
No offense - but that is obviously staged. That guy is not an elk hunter. If he was, he wouldn't turn his camera on out in the middle of his hunt and say- "hey I'm elk hunting, lets see what we can see- oh theres a bigfoot" Plus he'd be wearing camo or at least some kind of pack,-- the gun kinda looked like an rem870 410. shotgun, but I may be wrong.

Plus nobody with a bull elk tag would screw up his chance at big stinky by hollering at Sasquach. A real elk hunter would have blasted bigfoot and posed for a few killshots.
> Hey
>manny what were you drinking
>when you seen those ufo's?

told yah, I had wittness's both time's, those things will mess with your theology (mind) big time, that was back in the 80's
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-08 AT 09:24AM (MST)[p]>told yah, I had wittness's both time's, those things will mess with your theology (mind) big time, that was back in the 80's

OK I believe you, I'd still like to know what you and your wittnesses were drinking, must of been good to come up with that!
Kinda looked like Mosnar heading for the outhouse behind his cabin to me.

Manny, I've seen UFO's also. In fact the bastages beamed me up and surgically changed me into a liberal.

>Kinda looked like Mosnar heading for
>the outhouse behind his cabin
>to me.
>Manny, I've seen UFO's also. In
>fact the bastages beamed me
>up and surgically changed me
>into a liberal.

did they cut anything out, you know like .......
>>Kinda looked like Mosnar heading for
>>the outhouse behind his cabin
>>to me.
>>Manny, I've seen UFO's also. In
>>fact the bastages beamed me
>>up and surgically changed me
>>into a liberal.
>did they cut anything out, you
>know like .......

The most painful part was sticking that huge syringe in his ear and sucking his brain out... lol...j/k RUS..

Hey, I heard that when Ransom was abducted the aliens asked him to probe them...
Actually! This really did happen! I was beamed on board by a superior race. Think about it! These guy?s do interstellar travel and stuff.

Anyway they explained to me that they couldn't alter everybody on the planet or else they wouldn't be all that superior!

I guess that the only candidates are Liberals ?cause we have open minds. These guy?s really hate neo-cons.

So, what they are doing is; implanting superior genes in the open minded liberals on the planet! They figure with superior mental capacity and sexual organs, that over time the liberals will make some sense of this mess!

They have supplied us with pure water and infected the rest with a slow acting medication called Fluoride that causes the conservative sexual organs to be absorbed through their undeveloped brains.

Over time the only people that will survive are the ?open minded Liberals?

WHEW!!!!! I'm glad I'm on the right Boat ?.. How ?bout you ditto heads?????

Overton. Do you feel your mind slowly fading???? Quit drinking the koolaid and join the "FORCE"



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