Sarah Palin Buck



Now, before you all get in an uproar! Let me tell the story. We have a great start to a great hunting year. My son & I drew LE antelope tags in a unit real close to home. It's not the greatest unit on the planet but very accessible for us. My son-in-law has a Pansagant any weapon deer tag that's coming up soon. Then HornhogII (my son) and I have Southern Utah General deer tags near the end of October. Anyway here is the story on the Sarah Palin buck. As you may recall, I posted a photo of a nice goat a few weeks ago and asked the question. Shoot yes or no?

Well Saturday, Chris, Nick & myself were pounding the brush looking for speed goats. We found a really cool buck that we had named Flat Top but he was so wild we couldn't get on him. Every time we would work in on him he would bust us and all we would see is a little dust trail about two miles away. Chris also found a buck we call Tall Boy but he is crazy wild as well.

After hunting in what has become known as ?splashy dirt? (it is so hot & dry you can't believe how bad the dust is) we went back to camp and had a bologna sandwich and reformulated our plans for the evening hunt.

I had found a buck on the other side of the desert I really wanted a chance at. We loaded up and headed out. About three miles down the road we spotted two goats about ? miles away. We put the spotting scope on them and decided the buck was decent.

I pulled down a little side road and let Chris and Nick out. They found a depression ridge in the flat and started working in on the buck. I took the truck back up on the main road to watch the action through my spotting scope.

I could see Nick & Chris belly crawling in on the buck and could see the buck looking around nervously. All of a sudden the buck flipped on his back, got up and took about two steps and dropped.

It was just like watching a hunting movie.

When we got the buck back to camp, I realized it was the same buck Nick and I had photographed a few weeks earlier. We had been naming all the bucks we'd seen so this one ended up as ?Sarah Palin? (Pretty face and a nice Rack) no offense intended.

Congratulations Chris. Neither of us has hunted speed goats in the past so this was a lot of fun.

As soon as I get my 3rd cut of hay in, I'm going after ?Flat Head and Tall Boy?.




Nice buck and nice story. Only 3 cuttings? I'm going to knock down 4th here in about ten days. That means it's going to rain.


I am laughting my head off because it sounds like you have just got hooked on lope hunting. Pun intended. Great photos and story.
Just wait until you hit one going full blast and he does a cartwheel several times, you will be hooked for life then.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-08 AT 09:55PM (MST)[p]Congrats! That is a great goat! He does Mrs. Palin proud!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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