San Juan spot and stalk bear or BC spring?


Very Active Member
I would also spot and stalk on the Book Cliffs spring hunt. I could draw San Juan now but do not mind waiting for BC spring. I have never been to either unit. I am sure both of these hunts would be difficult, seems like all spot and stalk bear hunts are,well at least the ones I have been on. Thanks for any help.
I don't know about the San Juan but I have heard some information about the Book Cliffs. My Taxidermist's brother drew the Books with the last couple of years. He hiked his guts out and only saw one bear. The one he saw and shot was a brute though.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-13 AT 12:46PM (MST)[p]The San Juan can be OK for the spot and stalk hunt. As long as you know some of the major drainages (several good ones) the bears hang out in and as long as there is a good acorn/service berry crop you should do OK. If not you would do well to keep in contact with the elk hunters and find you a good carcass to sit on.

Todd Black

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I drew San Juan spot and stalk this year. I did fill my tag the evening of opening day on a bear that was feeding on a dead elk. It seemed like this year the feed was scattered and it would have been a pretty tough hunt if I hadn't been given a tip on the elk.

There's been years I've watched as many as 9 bears on a single hillside when berries were thick on the San Juan. It wasn't like that this year. It would have been fun regardless and I much prefer spot and stalk over hunting with dogs.
Thanks for the help everyone. I would like to see both of these units some day in the near future. Which unit would you guys say is more beautiful?
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