San Juan pictures, anyone have any??



Hey Guys....I finally drew a Spring San Juan tag and will be out in that country this spring to see if we can tree a bear. I'm taking my 11 year old son along with me so it should be a great time.

I was wondering if anyone had any pictures of the San Juan unit that they wouldn't mind sharing so that I can show him what the country looks like?

Thanks in advance!!
Here are few photos of how the country looks in general. Have a great hunt with your son. BB









Thanks Brian and BB I appreciate it very much!

This is going to be a blast, i've been looking forward to coming back to Utah for a long time!! I'll get to see some old friends I haven't seen for a few years, and get to make some new friends.

That country looks a little steeper than what i'm used to here in Nebraska! LOL

I've heard that there is a bunch of snow down there right now, alot more than usual is that true?

Thanks again guys!!

still lots of snow down here, just barely starting to warm up, but sounds like another storm coming this weekend. Good luck on that spring bear hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-10 AT 08:58PM (MST)[p]Here are a few pictures. We will be down there a lot this spring, if you need any thing let me know. We do not have a kill tag, just pursuit.


Boy thats pretty country KK i'm chomping at the bit for May to get here!!!

Maybe i'll get to meet you while we are down there. I might need someone to bail me out of jail....Hounddawg is going to be my head gun bearer on this hunt :) LOL

Thanks again for taking the time to post your pictures everyone!

Take Bail money, with HD along you. LOL

Looks like it will be a good year down that way if you can just get up to them and they wake up in time for the hunt. LOL
Hear they had several of them around town late last fall.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
It sounds like there is a ton of snow down there, we might end up hunting Polar Bears :) Hopefully it'll melt off and we will have a good hunt. We will give it our best shot.

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