San Gorgonio Wilderness Outfitters


LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-11 AT 09:24PM (MST)[p]My apology to the Terry and the crew of San Gorgonio Outfitters in the previous post of the new Record ram that you fellas guided the hunter on his hunt.

Without any info who the hunter was, what outfitter etc to go on since I got two different pictures from the same person, I just thought that Dry Creek Outfitters were the ones who guided both hunters, my mistake.

From now on if I receive pictures and no mention of who the hunter, outfitter etc is it will not be posted by me.

Again, sorry for the confusion and Congrats to San Gorgonio Outfitters and the hunter on a great Ram.

I'm glad I got to see the picture before it was deleted. That was one bruser of a ram. Congrats to all involved.
What's this world coming to? A MM'er apologizing for an honest mistake? What's up with that?

You're a stand-up guy Kilowatt!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-11 AT 07:05PM (MST)[p]What the heck does the first amendment have to do with this?

It was entirely correct for Kilowatt to apologize, it clarified why the original post was pulled, and corrected a mistake which held the potential for serious ramifications

I certainly appreciate the gesture, and no doubt those whom were directly involved, and those unwittingly and misappropriately implicated, in the harvest of the old bruiser do as well!

Certain others would do well to take some responsibility also...

Well done Brian
Dude, read the first amendment moron!

First of all, If Terry/San Gorgonia Outfitters is so offended, why not post your hunters pics yourselves? I received these pics from a guy who helps Dry Creek Outfitters. I sent them to Brian. He posted with what little information that was given. Not Brian's fault. Why should he apologize? Blame me if you want. However, I just enjoy pics of the rams. Don't care who guided them. I will NOT apologize. Get a grip. Instead of crying like a bunch of little school girls, take care of business yourselves. Brian should never have even heard from you idiots!! If you posted yourselves, not only could we see these magnificent animals pics, it would be outstanding publicity for Terry.

Brian, since you have the proper outfitter posted here now, why not post that outstanding ram again? I'm sure even THEY would appreciate it!! Good grief, Paul. quite familiar with the First Amendment, thanks.

Get a grip? Mmm...OK, perhaps I'll try that.

I also don't work for, or have any association with Terry and his outfit.

It certainly wasn't necessary for Brian to apologize, he could've just got rid of the thing and pretended nothing ever happened...he didn't do that, and instead was a man about taking responsibility for what was an honest mistake; thereby eliminating the strong potential for false allegation, rumor-mongering, and an unnecessary instance of bad blood between the two Outfits.

I am sure I am not alone in respecting Kilowatt for doing so.

Moron? That's rich, all things considered here.

Oh, and Cheers Paul! :)

---Adam Simms
GW, is that as pissed as you can get? Crap, I'm losin' it, and I used to be such a good bad guy. Guess I'm just getting old. pc

Massive Ram!
Way to go.
>what a great old Battle Hammer...any
>time, ANY place>


My thoughts exactly!!! That thing's a wonderful, battered old ram.

Holy S&$T that thing is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His face reminds me of Yoda from Star Wars.....

That sum beech is old..
Anybody know how big? Or more importantly how old?

Shoot em till their dead
What a great ram, Now if I understand it right they had a 6-7 hour hike in to where this old warrior called home.
Great job guys you worked your butts off for the client.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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