San Antonio Sausage for Dinner


Long Time Member
Kiolbassa brand from SA is one of the best you have ever tried! Great on the grill, or even the stove. Worked in the shop most of the day (never got above 20), and even with the 220VAC heater running, it was coolish! Missed lunch so tonight was a big meal again. Kiolbassa beef sausage in the cast griddle on the stove, plenty of kraut and grey Poupon, and home-made pickled onions. I love to use my press to cook them right, and keep straight. Good Idaho fries!!! Yum!!


Blank that is one of our family favorites but we put the Kiolbassa in the frying pan with the sour kraut and potatoes
We then cook it for about 30 minutes until the potatoes are tender then we thicken with some corn starch and serve with hot home made bread
Dinner of Champions

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