Samsung and Peta


Samsung products are off my list.
They will never see another penny of my money unless they make some pro hunting commercials.

After you watch these videos any hunter would be a fool to spend money with them.

From the Sportsmen's Alliance:

PETA recently gave an award to the massive Korean company Samsung for a web based video that bashes hunting while promoting Samsung?s Bluetooth devices.

In an August 26 press release, PETA states that it was bestowing a ?GOODY? award to Samsung for a recent online viral video created for Samsung by the ad agency promoting its Bluetooth technology. The ad, titled ?Deer Rudolph and Eagle Eye team up to escape Redneck Hunter,? negatively stereotypes a hunter in the field. During the ensuing hunt, a bald eagle flying overhead ?phones? a deer on the ground using a Bluetooth device and warns it to avoid the hunter.

According to PETA?s Executive Vice President, Tracy Reiman, ?Samsung?s ad reflects society's evolved attitudes toward animals and shows that compassion is a far better marketing tool than cruelty.? Reiman went on to say that hunting should not be a part of modern society.
Thank you for the info!! I was just going to buy a samsung TV. They can kiss my a$$ now!!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Those videos will just piss you off.

I will need a new cell phone shortly and for sure it will not be a Samsung.

Those videos are not subtle at all. They are a full on attack at hunting and stereotypeing of hunters.

Cant believe this had not been posted up already. First I saw it was yesterday.

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