same old jazz


Long Time Member
Sorry about your luck last night when they let boston come in and whoopinup on em!

They will never change not with jerry back or even if they hire phil!
>Sorry about your luck last night
>when they let boston come
>in and whoopinup on em!
>They will never change not with
>jerry back or even if
>they hire phil!

I wouldn't be so proud if I were a Celtics fan, supposedly the best team in the East can barely beat the 10th place team in the west, especially after all the Jazz have gone through the last few weeks.

>>Sorry about your luck last night
>>when they let boston come
>>in and whoopinup on em!
>>They will never change not with
>>jerry back or even if
>>they hire phil!
>I wouldn't be so proud if
>I were a Celtics fan,
>supposedly the best team in
>the East can barely beat
>the 10th place team in
>the west, especially after all
>the Jazz have gone through
>the last few weeks.


I thought the Jazz played a pretty good game considering the circumstances. I thought they had a real chance to win until the no-call on AK that resulted in a fast-break 3 by Allen. That was a 5 point swing that pretty much ended the game. We need to get CJ and Bell the heck out of here! AJ is a beast and Derick Favors is VERY impressive at this point. Not all doom and gloom for the Jazz.
Not guarding Ray Allen on the 3 point line and expecting to somehow win...yup looked like the same ole Jazz to me :)

Jazz have never guarded the 3 point line. Where you been? They need to step up the defense alittle but other than that i think they played a great game. Boston barely pulled through on that one. And i have to agree a huge no call that changed the game. They replayed that foul on AK and i dont see how they can miss one like that but call some real pathetic sally calls.
"I wouldn't be so proud if I were a Celtics fan, supposedly the best team in the East can barely beat the 10th place team in the west, especially after all the Jazz have gone through the last few weeks."

cry me a river they lost jerry and dwill and most of the jazz fans love him then he gets traded everyone of them start saying ya he is a cry baby he needed to go. Whats next ak gone what are they going to say then poor us?

Boston just lost perkins thats a hellof alot bigger loss than cry baby dwill and the coach that cant seal the deal in 25 years!
Hell no if we got rid of AK it would be a round of beers for this guy. I dont see as D will being a loss to utah cuz he was gone in a year anyway and this way we gained something from it. The coach that cant see a deal in 25 years with a quarter the market as the big boys. Here in utah we dont have the market to attract big names with the money. I think we have done pretty well for what we have had all this time. We have never had a big name on the team but tend to compete every year.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-11 AT 05:30PM (MST)[p]

How old are you hornkiller? Do you remember the 2 finals the Jazz went to? Remember a guy named Jordan?

If not for him, Jazz would have 2 rings..Not bad for a small franchise. And for the record, Williams was always a damn crybaby, That dont mean he wasnt good..Perkins more crucial to Boston than Williams was to the Jazz? Are you chitting me?

As for AK, I wonder why he's having one of his best years...Couldn't be because its a contract year, nahh..He will get another contract somewhere, and will be hurt all year, its his memo..(pun intended)
Speaking of AK...he sure did look surprised to get the ball on that last play lol!! If he hadn't wasted three tenths of a second stunned he mighta been able to hit a game winner...

I can't believe he air balled the lay up by 2 feet when he was only 6 inches away from the rim. gawd!
they were down 2 it would have only tied it. My Nuggs are looking pretty decent here in the early stages post trade.
And look at what jerry had to do it with for years 2 of the best players in the nba stat wise! But he never had any big names right? They will always be the same. But the sun does shine on a dogs a$$ every once in awhile!

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