Salt Lake City area golf


Active Member
I will be in SLC next week for business, we are looking for a place to play golf with clients. I would prefer a mountain course if it's not to far of a drive from the Grand American Hotel. any suggestions?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-08 AT 03:18PM (MST)[p]Mountain Dell golf course. halfway up the canyon to park city(about 25 minutes from the hotel) Dell Canyon.htm

The " courses"link on the left hand side of this site has other city courses
I would second the Mountain Dell vote if you're looking for a mountain course close to was mentioned, not a bad little drive. If you're not worried about stretching it a bit farther I'd say Wasatch Mountain (also has 36 holes, same as Mtn. Dell.) If you're looking for a good course in the city I would recommend Bonneville (on the east bench) or Wingpointe (right next the the airport.) Only downside to Wingpointe? I'm not kidding when I say RIGHT NEXT to the airport! Can't go wrong with any of these or a few others not mentioned, and in Utah the price is always right!
I just can't understand why anyone would want to ruin a good walk by chasing a little white ball around!!:p

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
I appreciate the responses, I think we will try the Mountain Dell course. Also the way I play sometimes I can relate to ruining a good walk, any way I think I'll carry the golf bag and use the additional exercise to help get ready for my AZ archery bull elk hunt.
Mountain Dell is a good choice. If you're willing to drive another 30 minutes, I would also recommend Wasatch Mt. State Park, the upper 18 (Mountain Course), although I'm not sure it's open yet due to the snow. I've played that course three times in the last three years (three separate trips to SLC), all three times we saw deer and turkeys on the course, and once we saw a moose. Oh, and the golf is pretty good, too.
Just a word of advice. No matter what way it looks like it is going to break, your ball is always going to break toward the lake. I have never read greens so bad in my life. And I almost always shoot in the 70's.
Id seriously recommend cancelling your tee time at Mountain Dell and head for Wasatch. Wasatch is a far nicer course. The other thing Id consider, despite the drive, is heading down into Utah County and hitting Hobble Creek. You are looking at about an hour from SLC, but Id consider it very worth the drive. Im not a huge fan of Mountain Dell. Yeah, its in a canyon, but it has no feeling of being a 'mountain' course to me. Dont do South Mountain either. That course is always windy and fairways are not designed well. A great tee shot right down the middle is just as likely to give you a horrible side, downhill, uphill, or some other crappy lie.

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