Salmon, Steelhead, or Sturgeon?



Hey fellas. Getting married in a few weeks and I just got a fishing trip from a couple of buddies for a shower gift. I can pick whichever trip I would like to go and when. The guides brochure says I can go for salmon on the columbia, steelhead on the cowlitz, or sturgeon on the columbia. Would like to hear from you guys on which you would rather go on. Please fell free to tell your fish stories too. Now, I have caught salmon and steelhead out of the smaller rivers, from the shore, never from a boat, though I've never caught a large chinook. Sturgeon I've never even fished for. Any opinions, suggestions?

What stretch of the Columbia does this guy guide on? If its Buoy 10 I'd go salmon fishing. Book towards the middle of the month and you will catch some nice kings or some nice silvers.

I will be at Buoy 10 on the 13-14 and maybe 15th. If you a chance at a 40lb+ king, hit Bouy 10 next week! We got 10 over 50lbs last year. Most of the bigger kings are headed to Idaho and are full of piss and vinegar. Get one over 35 lbs and you will be chasing it with the boat for a while. 1 king a day and 2 silvers, all nice and bright and fresh from the brine.

The Columbia kings are held up off of Neah Bay. They are running about 2 weeks behind. I wonder if it has to do with the lack of rain?

I just got back from Bouy 10 and it is extremely slow. Went across the bar on Sunday and only got 2 fish. It is slow every where down there. I would wait until the end of August or into September. The water temp is just to warm (67-69 degrees) to get them to bite. Talk with alot of people down there and nobody is hitting anything.
My buddy was down there yesterday and only got 1 puny 20 lb king. He fished hard all day. Hell, that isnt worth the trip. He said that everyone was having a hell of a time getting bit. 2 more weeks and I'll be camped out down there!

Hit Buoy 10 area yesterday and limited on kings and silvers. It was pretty tough fishing though. Our kings were only in the 25-30 lb range. Not very big for this time of year. Most folks werent getting bit at all. I think that a lot of the kings flushed up river during that rain last week. I got spoiled last year in catching 10+ kings over 50 lbs. This year sucks! Im going to try it again tomorrow.

Sturgeon fishing near astoria bridge is alot of fun. in the past i have caught 5 fish that were to big to keep in the same day, as wel as dozens of "shakers"
Salmon,Steelhead, or Sturgeon? After seeing the picture, I vote for Steelhead! Those are beauties Muleyslyr.

I vote for sturgeon. I fished the columbia a few years ago and we caught sturgeon between 2ft-9ft one of them weighed somewhere around 300 pounds. Ill tell you what my arms ached for 2 weeks after that trip.
Its time to hit the Cowlitz, the fish are starting to show. I will be taking my boat down a couple times a week till the end of January. That would be my choice this time of year........rf
its hard to beat good stealhead fishing but thats a hard choice sturgeon is a hard thing to pass up
I vote steelhead those are really nice fish and they put on a great fite but so do sturgeon

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