Saddam = al-Qaeda


Long Time Member
Saddam supported at least two al-Qaeda groups: Pentagon Update: What it means
posted at 8:15 am on March 14, 2008

Earlier this week, the Pentagon announced that an investigation into over 600,000 documents captured at the end of the invasion of Iraq showed no operational links to al-Qaeda ? or at least, that's how the media reported it. After a strange few days in which the Pentagon delayed the report, it finally hit the internet last night ? and it's clear that the analysis done by the media was superficial at best. If no operational ?smoking gun? could be found, the report still shows that Saddam Hussein had plenty of ties to all sorts of terrorist groups, including radical Islamist jihadis.

For instance, how about their support for The Army of Muhammad, a known al-Qaeda subsidiary operating in Bahrain? On pages 34-35 of the report, we find communications between their Bahrain agent and IIS headquarters confirming Army of Mohammad?s loyalty to Osama bin Laden. What is the response from Baghdad?

The agent reports (Extract 25) that The Army of Muhammad is working with Osama bin Laden. ?

A later memorandum from the same collection to the Director of the IIS reports that the Army of Muhammad is endeavoring to receive assistance [from Iraq] to implement its objectives, and that the local IIS station has been told to deal with them in accordance with priorities previously established. The IIS agent goes on to inform the Director that ?this organization is an offshoot of bin Laden, but that their objectives are similar but with different names that can be a way of camouflaging the organization.?

AoM had ambitious plans ? including attacks on American interests. On page 35, the Iraqis list their aims as attacking Jewish and American interests anywhere in the world, attacking American embassies, disrupting American oil supplies and tankers, and attacking the American military bases in the Middle East. The Iraqi support for AoM may not be an operational link, but it's certainly a financial link that goes right to Osama bin Laden. The Iraqis certainly understood that much, and hoped to keep it quiet.

Nor was that Saddam?s only support for an AQ subsidiary. Saddam put money into Egypt's Islamic Jihad. The IJ opposes the Hosni Mubarak regime for a number of reasons, but primarily because of Egypt's shaky diplomatic relations with Israel. One leader of IJ that Westerners can easily name was Ayman al-Zawahiri, who became Osama?s chief deputy and primary mouthpiece to the world.

Even when working separately, the report notes that Saddam and Osama worked to develop the same terrorist pool from which they would draw support and operational agents. Put simply, Saddam?s more secular aims and Osama?s drive for an Islamic Caliphate worked in tandem to increase the threat of terrorism. Saddam endeavored to create a ?business model? for terrorism, especially when it could assist in his own pan-Arab vision. He funded and trained terrorists of all stripes in Iraq, from secular Arab Marxists to radical jihadists (page 41-42).

The media also skipped over the conclusion of the study, which begins thusly:

One question remains regarding Iraq?s terrorism capability: Is there anything in the captured archives to indicate that Saddam had the will to use his terrorist capabilities directly against United States? Judging from examples of Saddam?s statements (Extract 34) before the 1991 Gulf War with the United tates, the answer is yes.

In the years between the two Gulf Wars, UN sanctions reduced Saddam?s ability to shape regional and world events, steadily draining his military, economic, and military powers. The rise of Islamist fundamentalism in the region gave Saddam the opportunity to make terrorism, one of the few tools remaining in Saddam?s ?coercion? toolbox, not only cost effective but a formal instrument of state power. Saddam nurtured this capability with an infrastructure supporting (1) his own particular brand of state terrorism against internal and external threats, (2) the state sponsorship of suicide operations, and (3) organizational relationships and ?outreach programs? for terrorist groups. Evidence that was uncovered and analyzed attests to the existence of a terrorist capability and a willingness to use it until the day Saddam was forced to flee Baghdad by Coalition forces.

So we have Saddam supporting at least two AQ subsidiaries, one of which had open aspirations to attack American interests, and evidence from these captured materials that Saddam planned to use his terrorist capabilities to conduct war on the United States. Perhaps in the world of the mainstream media the big news from this would be ?no smoking gun? connection to an actual attack, but for the rest of us, it shows that Saddam needed to go ? and the sooner, the better. (via the Weekly Standard)

Update and Bump: Several points need to be made more clear. First, it's pretty apparent that the vast bulk of the reporting on this paper has come from leaks within the Pentagon, and not from a read of the paper itself. Stephen Hayes more generously attributes it to a shortsighted focus on the executive summary, but even that makes clear that Saddam used Islamist radical terrorist groups to his advantage, and that state support of terrorism grew so large as to require an expansion of government bureaucracy to manage it. Anyone who reads the executive summary would be compelled to look for the support within the body of the document.

Furthermore, one has to remember the purpose and structure of al-Qaeda. It is not a top-down hierarchical organization like the PLO. Rather, it serves as a framework for a web of affiliated terrorist organizations, both for funding and for inspiration. AQ?s leadership structure maintains communications and coordination with these groups, which often merge with and split into other organizations. The report itself tries to remind readers of this, and sees Saddam and Osama as using essentially the same network for the same ends, when their interests overlap. That's why Iraq?s IIS winds up funding the Army of Mohammad and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad ? both of which are authentically AQ, and in the case of AoM, Iraq funded it specifically because of its goals of attacking American interests.

Reader Sam Pender points out that Egyptian Islamic Jihad actually has more significance than most in the AQ network. EIJ at one time provided the lion?s share of AQ?s leadership, including Ayman al-Zawahiri, and certainly that was true in the period between 1991 and 2003. Saddam?s support for EIJ shows a more direct connection to AQ leadership than anyone had predicted before the capture of the documents on which this report is based.

Update: The FBI?s Deputy Director for counterterrorism testified before Congress about the connection between AQ and EIJ on December 18, 2001:

Although Al-Qaeda functions independently of other terrorist organizations, it also functions through some of the terrorist organizations that operate under its umbrella or with its support, including: the Al-Jihad, the Al-Gamma Al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group - led by Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and later by Ahmed Refai Taha, a/k/a ?Abu Yasser al Masri,?), Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and a number of jihad groups in other countries, including the Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Croatia, Albania, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, the Philippines, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, the Kashmiri region of India, and the Chechen region of Russia. Al-Qaeda also maintained cells and personnel in a number of countries to facilitate its activities, including in Kenya, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. By banding together, Al-Qaeda proposed to work together against the perceived common enemies in the West - particularly the United States which Al-Qaeda regards as an ?infidel? state which provides essential support for other ?infidel? governments.

Saddam Hussein provided funding for EIJ for the same reasons. And when one starts to consider the differences between Afghanistan?s Taliban after 9/11 and Saddam, the gaps narrows considerably. The Taliban gave AQ shelter while probably not realizing the extent to which it made them a target; Saddam funded their main leadership source and at least one of their subsidiaries in order to help them succeed in their mission against the US. That's at least arguably an act of war, attempting to use terrorists as a proxy to fight it ? and it very clearly fell within the post-9/11 Bush doctrine.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
This must be the week for grasping, isn't there anything out there that serves your cause better than this? pretty weak.

So if Saddam was so important to al Qaeda why are they still going strong when Saddam is long gone? wow that was a knock out punch when we took Iraq down wasn't it? still seems to me that Bin Laden would have been a more important target to focus on than Saddam. but then again I'm not in the position of trying to excuse a screw up, keep it up somebody might believe you or care.
02, i gave you an honorary PHd and you post a story like that without a citation. . . come on my friend, you should know better by now. . .
I can't believe people are still trying to make this link. Try all you want, it just isn't there.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
The link is weak, but it is there. The point is there was some connection, and the press reports have led people to believe there was none.

202 makes the point when he says;
?it's clear that the analysis done by the media was superficial at best.?

Was Bush right on target ? No, not by a long shot
Did Bush use the best available information at the time. Yes, there is no question.
Has the press taken sides, and twisted everything from the WMD issue to terrorist links. Yes, no doubt about it.

No matter if you are a liberal, conservative, moderate or completely don't care about politics. It's a sad day when you realize that our famous ?free press? guaranteed by our constitution has become nothing more then a propaganda rag that editorializes on the front page, and cannot be trusted to report the news.
Anaconda, you speak as though youre the expert or at least you have access to different or better information. Please, support, with facts, your argument. I cant find ANYTHING factual to support you. I find a lot of secondary and tertiary INFORMATION but few facts.

So, I'm not saying your wrong, I'm asking you do do more than tell me the media is wrong, i'm asking you to show us how it is you came to that conclusion. . .
Hey look, Perry Mason, it wouldn't matter what facts he had to back it up. You wouldn't believe anything different from what your handlers at tell you to believe. You are so friggen annoying with your constant "I am smart and you are all idiots" attitude. Go back to the zoo and take some wild animal pics, you're good at that.

Now that we've decided nothing is Bush's fault it must be the media's. I guess that's better than the boogey man, but just as fictional.
>Hey look, Perry Mason, it wouldn't
>matter what facts he had
>to back it up. You
>wouldn't believe anything different from
>what your handlers at
>tell you to believe. You
>are so friggen annoying with
>your constant "I am smart
>and you are all idiots"
>attitude. Go back to the
>zoo and take some wild
>animal pics, you're good at

I don't care who you are that there was funny!!!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-08 AT 05:52PM (MST)[p]it is funny, but what is funny about it is it really show us how the just damn people for asking to have a position supported. this to me is the reason the right thinks the media is all wrong. Of course they are wrong; if you dont like what they say, all you have to do is say, "oh youre just mister smart guy."

If the media is all wrong, please, enlighten us. BTW, dont even know what moveon is, never been there dont even know what they stand for, I've heard people bring them up but i dont realy know what they are up to. .

anyway, If i'm sounding smart for asking a simple question, and sounding smart is a bad thing, i guess i'm guilty. We can clear this all up if someone would just show us the conspiracy.

BTW, i cant be that smart hell i can hardly spell and my grammar sucks. . .

Please show us how the media is all wrong.
I don't claim to be an expert, have no special source of information.

Like D13 says, no matter what I posted, you would/could say you don't accept my sources and don't believe me. It would be a waste of time, both yours and mine.
I have had this argument before.
If you are questioning my point about the pentagon report, just read 202s cut and paste and my comments. What more needs be said ?
If you are concerned with my assertion that the media is nothing more than a propaganda machine with a liberal bias, and a particular vendetta against President Bush, I suggest you watch the network news, and read any major newspaper.
" Res ipsa loquitur ?The thing speaks for itself.?
Get a hold of yourself anaconda, I'm very open to changing my mind, mostly I like to look at all the sides of an issue them make up my mind. As for the media, i'm not seeing the facts to support your assumption. I hear it all the time, but I have yet to see where your position really is true.

Just look at who broke both the Clinton and Spitzer stories . . . i think it was the NYT - so, if youre right, and the media is liberal, why did the most "liberal" major media source kick off the destruction of clinton and spitzer and many others?

If the media is so left it should be easy to find the real data, not pretty young girls and old men on fox spewing rhetoric but the real data, data like, who owns what and what are their interests -- right?

In truth i'm very open to a discussion and more facts about this issue. It concerns me a great deal and here's why:


If only 5 corporations own most of the media, and corporations are in business to make money, they will not report, or they will under report, or misreport stories that would diminish the corporate share, both financial and logistical.

Now, I could see one media outlet of the 5 losing money if it is used as a left wing political tool, so, if there is a left wing conspiracy you would see the at last one of the broadcast companies is LOSING money! Can you find any that are?

BTW, if this liberal conspiracy is real, show me the primary facts, and then explain why these guys, the MAJOR media owners all but one is a republican publish liberal news? Hum, again I'm confused by your assumptions and would very much like for you to show us the primary data or facts to support your conspiracy theory.
I suspect that trying to prove the left wing media bias to some people is like trying to prove that wolves can be harmful to game populations. No matter what evidence you provide, they're not buying it. Here is something to CONSIDER though:

A study done by a political scientist from UCLA, (a West Coast University.)

While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than The New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. Meanwhile, almost all major media outlets tilt to the left.

These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study, which is believed to be the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly.

"I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican," said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. "But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are."

"Overall, the major media outlets are quite moderate compared to members of Congress, but even so, there is a quantifiable and significant bias in that nearly all of them lean to the left," said co‑author Jeffrey Milyo, University of Missouri economist and public policy scholar.

The results appear in the latest issue of the Quarterly Journal of Economics, which will become available in mid-December.

Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter.

Here is a brief tutorial on how to spot media bias.

Here is a list of some of the most recent liberal media bias:
Here's something to think about, this is not anti-semite it's just a fact.

The great majority of the media and Hollywood for that matter is owned and or operated by Jewish parties, infact the Jewish lobby is said to be the most powerful in Washington DC. so it's probably fair to say Israel has no love for Arabs and should be if anything pushing the Iraq war and war on all it's foes, if they were going to be slanted why slant the wrong way? all I can figure is they're doing a pretty fair job of being fair. if I was a Jew and owned a major media company if any of my staff was biased against me that wouldn't set well. you guys say follow the money all the time, if you follow it you won't come up with anything to help your case of liberal media bias.

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