Sacramento Bee Re: Predator Management


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Viewpoints: State must overhaul approach to predators

By Jennifer Fearing
Special to The Bee

Published: Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 - 12:00 am | Page 11A

A year ago, a photo surfaced of Dan Richards, then-president of California's Fish and Game Commission, bear-hugging a dead mountain lion.

Richards had shot the majestic animal ? protected in California, but legal to be hunted in Idaho ? out of a tree where the cougar sought refuge after hours of pursuit by a pack of hounds. The photo set off a social and mainstream media firestorm fueled by the outrage expressed by tens of thousands of Californians and many elected officials.

The reaction to the photo came from an instinct most of us share that abhors the practice of killing animals just for trophies. Scientists broadly concur that humans generally don't need to intervene to manage predator populations.

More than 70 years ago, legendary National Park Service biologist Adolph Murie published research showing predators actually strengthen deer and elk herds by culling out the sick and weak. Numerous peer-reviewed studies followed, also affirming the importance of predation to maintain the delicate balance of our ecosystems. Unfortunately, federal and state policies have yet to true up with these findings, and our laws and regulations continue to allow for the liberal killing of important species like bears, coyotes, foxes and bobcats.

The Richards event was the first in a year's worth of controversies here in California that point to a need for a proactive approach to reconsider how we interact with predators:

? An investigative series in spring 2012 by The Bee exposed the federal government's lethal predator control programs and its failure to reduce wildlife conflicts with humans and livestock despite the trapping and killing of thousands of California's wild animals every year.

? In May 2012, officials killed a mountain lion that was cornered in a highly urban part of Santa Monica when efforts to capture him failed.

? The city of Davis severed its ties with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services in July 2012 after residents raised concerns over the killing of five coyotes ? four of them pups.

? In two separate "public safety" incidents ? one in August in El Dorado County, and one in December in Half Moon Bay ? mountain lion cubs were killed in situations that could have been controlled by nonlethal means.

? In summer 2012, well-known Tahoe bear "Sunny," never known to show aggression or cause conflict with humans, was found shot to death on a West Lake Tahoe beach.

? Throughout 2012, California's first gray wolf, dubbed "OR7" by Oregon officials who collared the animal with GPS equipment, meandered throughout Northern California counties, sparking emotions from fear to delight about the possibility of a future wolf population in the state.

? The January announcement of a new "predator hunting clinic" by the newly renamed Department of Fish and Wildlife , which referred to proper "trophy care" and featured a photo of a distressed coyote, was met with complaints from citizens groups like the Humane Society.

? Despite the pleas of dozens of animal protection and environmental organizations and thousands of Californians, a coyote killing contest was held in Modoc County recently, where teams, including children, competed to win a silver belt buckle as a prize for killing the most coyotes.

? And most recently, a front page Los Angeles Times story chronicled the concern of residents and biologists in the vicinity of Joshua Tree National Park where trappers are trapping and killing hundreds of bobcats each year to sell their pelts for fur coats in China and Russia.

California made progress in 2012. Long overdue legislation to end the cruel and unnecessary use of hounds to chase and harass bears and bobcats resulted in a law banning the practice. Montana prohibited the unsporting practice back in 1921.

And while there were some human-wildlife conflicts in California that resulted in happy endings and some efforts are afoot to improve responses for some species, we need a comprehensive review of our approach to predators in the context of their role in the ecosystem.

All Californians would benefit from more scientifically sound, more humane, and importantly for those who deal directly with wildlife conflicts ? more effective ? alternatives to indiscriminate trapping, killing and hunting.

Let us lead and not continue to let controversies, conflicts and needless deaths set the agenda.

I have a few friends who are game wardens, and they are beyond disgusted and frustrated over these new policies. They see the damage that predators cause every week while on the job, and are extremely frustrated by laws written by city people who never venture off pavement.
With the new democratic supermajority in power in California this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hunters, gun owners and conservatives are completely screwed, you just watch what happens in the next few years, you ain't seen nuthin' yet.

I want out.
The best thing that could happen to the US is if CA ended up in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
Don't just Blame KALI!

That Same BS Shows up here in TARDville just a couple years later!

Past Time to take a Stand Boys & Girls!

Sad part is We are Out-numbered!

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
>Don't just Blame KALI!
>That Same BS Shows up here
>in TARDville just a couple
>years later!
>Past Time to take a Stand
>Boys & Girls!
>Sad part is We are Out-numbered!
>The Dew I had for Breakfast
>wasn't Bad so I had
>one more for Dessert!:D
+ 1 From Sacramento CA. to Santa Fe New Mexico and now Colorado,We need some one to stand up to these jokers and tell them to get F#CKED!
This is the state director of the humane society. This is the author who wrote "Dogs at Work: A Practical Guide to Creating Dog-Friendly Workplaces." Simple outlook, animals are more important than people.
The Sacramento Bee is one of the most liberal newspaper in the state of CA. I really loved that part where they get upset that mountain lions who get into a urban area need to be treated more humane then killed.

What that means is that they want that mountain lion, who just ate FiFi their poodle, captured and turned loose in the country area so that we folks living in the country have to put up with it prowling our property and endangering our kids.

What those idiots do not understand, we practice the three "S" rule and remove any destructive animal from our property.

I believe the lions and bears in California SHOULD treated more humanely. We should live trap as many as possible in the less populated areas and release them into the urban cities. Let the predators do what predators do. Its only right that everyone who enjoys these animals should help "pay the price" for them. Even if that price is in human life. Right?

The line for "Northern California" (what should be the 51st state) is advancing northword at an alarming rate.
>I believe the lions and bears
>in California SHOULD treated more
>humanely. We should live trap
>as many as possible in
>the less populated areas and
>release them into the urban
>cities. Let the predators do
>what predators do. Its only
>right that everyone who enjoys
>these animals should help "pay
>the price" for them. Even
>if that price is in
>human life. Right?
>The line for "Northern California" (what
>should be the 51st state)
>is advancing northword at an
>alarming rate.

Bears for Gang Control? Now that's an idea I would support!

Or better yet, release every captured predator along the Mexican border...

The HSUS is THE greatest outside threat to hunting, without question,here in the United States. They spend millions and millions of dollars promoting anti hunting laws in states across the country, and they do it virtually uncontested. How do you stop a super-funded juggernaut who preys on the emotions of common folk, all the while petting and feeding the politicians stuffed comfortably in their back pocket? I'm afraid if a way can't be found, the writing is on the wall for the end of our heritage, and it will come sooner than many think.
I bet Jennifer Fearing doesn't cry when a farmer sprays for aphids, or if a rancher innoculates his beef cattle against disease, or if her drinking water is purified from all the bugs.

It's all predator management.

I have said this before. I would love some houndsmen to capture about 4-5 mountain lions and transport them to San Francisco. Upon arrival there release them into Golden Gate park in the middle of the night.

After they eat all the poodles, they can start taking a few granola eating joggers. That should change a few attitudes in a hurry. Thinking about it, those granola eating joggers would get more upset that the lions ate their FiFi poodles then if they ate some other joggers.

>With the new democratic supermajority in
>power in California this is
>just the tip of the
>Hunters, gun owners and conservatives are
>completely screwed, you just watch
>what happens in the next
>few years, you ain't seen
>nuthin' yet.
>I want out.

+1 HH. This state is in a real scary downslide. I won't even put the Sac Bee in my fireplace which shold be outlawed here shortly.
"After they eat all the poodles, they can start taking a few granola eating joggers."

I seem to recall several years ago a human mother was killed by a lion in Cali, and there were 2 funds set up to help the human kids and the lions cub. The lion cub fund hit $21,000 (or more) while the fund for the children was a measley $9,000.

Liberals don't have their priorities straight, as we well know.
Those poor kitties. Makes me wanted to throw up in my mouth reading that garbage. What a misinformed, naive fool. My distain for liberals continues to grow.

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