#####'s Flushes 5 Million Dollar's?


LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-19 AT 09:33PM (MST)[p]Guess I should have spelled it "Ducks"!!?

Media is claiming #####'s destroyed 5 Million dollar's worth of rifles?

I've fact checked this on two sites and can't find anything on it.

Let's assume it to be true.

What business sense would it make to flush 5 Mil down a toilet?

Wouldn't stock holders be irate over losing that kind of money over a political stunt, regardless of their own party preferences?

How did they eliminate approximately 12,500 ($400 average price of gun) serial numbers from a federal database?

Where is the tangible proof, video footage of said destruction?

Why isn't the liberal Democrats airing this as a huge win for their gun grabbing agenda?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-19 AT 09:46PM (MST)[p]Heard about it from a co-worker. I never spent a single dime at any of their establishments so from a purely selfish perspective, I'm glad they are getting out of that business. They should stick to selling baseball bats and sleeping bags.

I will continue to patronize businesses with employees that understand the culture, welcome me into their stores and know not to call the thing that you load ammunition into a "clip".
I've seen and read article after article, but still not one single photo.

One would think such an event would have to be documented, photographed and or some type of video.

I think it's a marketing scam.
Definitely a marketing thing. Video and proof will show up at a time when it will do the most good for them. It's still a new story, give it some more time and let the news buzz about it a little more.
You would be surprised how much unusable inventory is trashed by businesses, of all types, each year. The real question is how does the $5.0mil number compare to a year prior to the decision to stop selling guns? I suspect it wasn't $5.0M prior but it wasn't $0 either.

Regardless of your feelings on D's decision to stop selling guns, inventory clearance is not an oddity.
JC penny, Sears, Kmart, Sports Authority etc, etc.

Brick and mortar stores that try to cover wide swaths are one by one being swallowed by Amazon or other online.

Do any of you that do other sports use #####?

If you golf you use pro shop

Fish? The same

Camp? The same.

##### has always been a store you get your kids cleats at. Or some golf balls.

Reality is this is a gimmick trying to bump sales from the suburban soccer mom's.

But, those mom's ain't stupid. They will use ##### as a place to try on stuff for their kids, so they can order it online.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
They did a deal on a morning show about that a few days ago , guy in charge sure thinks he's a real hero -looks like a zero to me ! There was a part in there of what looked like a huge box full of broke down AR?s. Congratulations , we all know he's filthy rich and can throw around millions like it's nothing ! That's about gonna save the world ..... ha !
The irony here is that D!cks Sporting goods own "Field and Stream" Sporting Goods stores.
They just sold 8 of them to Sportsman's Warehouse.
Here comes those 5 million in rifles right back ?
Hossblur... you lost me at:
Those soccer moms... use Dicks... to try on.

Sorry my mind sort of wandered off after that.
>Hossblur... you lost me at:
>Those soccer moms... use Dicks... to
>try on.
>Sorry my mind sort of wandered
>off after that.

Wow. I just re read that. Sounds NAUGHTY. Almost like it should start with "dear penthouse...."??????

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>They did a deal on a
>morning show about that a
>few days ago , guy
>in charge sure thinks he's
>a real hero -looks like
>a zero to me !
>There was a part in
>there of what looked like
>a huge box full of
>broke down AR?s. Congratulations ,
>we all know he's filthy
>rich and can throw around
>millions like it's nothing !
>That's about gonna save the
>world ..... ha !

I saw that to. it was the owner of dicks sporting goods. First it was the AR's and now shotguns cause dicks sold a shotgun to someone and they did a crime. didn't use that gun but the owner of dicks just felt so bad.

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