Rutting yet?



What kind of rutting activity have you guys seen/heard?

I will be hunting the northwest part of the state. Last year I was in too early and missed the rut. Now I am worried I am going to go in too late.
At work this evening I saw a fuzzy horned spike muley try to mount and knot up on a 40# fawn. All of a sudden momma showed up and drop kicked him in the sack, then she curb stomped him against a rock. LOL
Actualy I did watch that lil fuzzy try to sniff momma's tail, and she booked it! Think it's gonna be a few days
elk i take it???? right now they are establishing domiance. rut will start anywhere from mid sept. to ocotber i have seen. every year is differnt and also on weather...
nfh has it IMO. My buddy in Sheridan bow hunted our area on the west side of the BigHorns over the holiday weekend and saw bulls still together or singles out cruising around looking with just a couple bugles heard on Monday. It was still 90 degrees at 7,000' elevation so activity was real early and late with that heat. He saw a couple pretty good fights too, so like nfh stated, they are getting ready and will probably be rounding up cows in the next week or two and things should bust loose that last week or two of September into early October. I'm heading out next Wednesday to help John the last half of September before our antelope and deer seasons start in October that I have tags for.
Generally, I've found the third week of September the most active, though there are always some early and latecomers.

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J & J Outfitters

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