Russia buzz's Alaska



it seems the Ruskies are flexing their wings, maybe, with their buddies being Red China & Iran, this is not kool..

anybody ready for #3
>it seems the Ruskies are flexing
>their wings, maybe, with their
>buddies being Red China &
>Iran, this is not kool..
>anybody ready for #3

You are right more than you know... everyone is so focused on the insane man running Iran they are missing the TRUELY INSANE MAN with countless NUKES at his fingertips... running Russaa. Check out what his doing BEYOND the strategic bombers "buzzing" our bases, hes attempting to bypass russian law and not give up control once his term ends.

Hes attempting to become the Prime Minister of Russia so he can continue to run things until he can rerun again for president. Russian law states no-one can serve more than 2 terms as president.

This guy IMO, is currently 100x scarier than anyone in the middle east, you wont hear about it in the mainstream media though

LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-07 AT 03:39PM (MST)[p]Actually the North American Plate drifted eastward until it came underneath Russian Airspace. Alaska itself and Bush are actually responsible. Bush must sit down with the pilots and have dialogue with them. If he can't speak Russian he's stupid and might I add a liar because he must have said at one point he spoke Russian. We should just give the Russkies Alaskan icebergs and the City of San Francisco, maybe Wahington D.C. too if they're stupid enough to take it. Then maybe they will leave us alone.
If my plan doesn't work we can send Dude over to reason with them. The only advice I give Dude is that it really pisses the Russians off to be called homo's, idiots and such.
Will work on more solutions.

My dad said to nuke them but you know how old guys get.
I sure hope you guys do realize I'm being sarcastic.

The oil money is giving Russia back their will to live, a freind who works over there says the attitude is the most positive in years. they are rebuilding their military and they have the money to do it, they're back and they aren't going to be ignored. I think we can get along with Russia and China both if we play our cards right, the war on terror will be a little forgotten irritation if we don't. the world is an ever changing place, diplomacy is going to come back into style like we haven't seen in some time.
Here is an article I read today.

Russia steps up bomber exercises near Alaska and Canada

Associated Press Writer
ANCHORAGE, Alaska ? Russian warplane exercises around Alaska have become routine in the past few months, U.S. military officials said Monday, as the former Cold War superpower steps up flights from its Arctic bases.

Over the summer, Russian bombers have staged at least seven exercises in a buffer zone outside U.S. air space, each time alerting the U.S. through reports by Russian news agencies, said Maj. Allen Herritage, a spokesman for the Alaska region of the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

U.S. and Canadian fighter jets, usually F-15s, have been dispatched each time to escort the Russian planes in the exercises, which have ranged from two to six aircraft, Herritage said.

The latest exercise came Sept. 19 and involved two planes flying somewhere off the coast of Canada, Herritage said. They were met by Canadian planes from NORAD, which is jointly operated by the U.S. and Canadian militaries.

At least five exercises by the Russian Tu-95 Bear heavy bombers have taken place off Alaska's Aleutian Islands and other historic Cold War outposts, such as Cape Lisburne and St. Lawrence Island, according to NORAD records. All occurred beyond the 12-mile boundary that constitutes U.S. airspace.

"They used to have them from time to time, but not nearly in this frequency," Herritage said. "These exercises used to be more common during the Cold War."

The exercises come amid troubled relations between Russia and the West and are seen by some as intimidating moves by an increasingly assertive Russia, but Herritage said the exercises are not a cause for alarm.

"The recent exercises appear to be routine training activities," he told The Associated Press. "They are nowhere near U.S. airspace."

President Vladimir Putin announced in August that Russia was resuming long-range bomber flights over the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans for the first time since the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Russian Air Force officials in Moscow could not be reached for comment after hours. They have repeatedly said that the planes were not violating any nation's airspace or any international agreements.

But in mid-September, British and Norwegian jets intercepted Russian military aircraft after they breached NATO airspace close to the U.K. and Finland. And on a handful of occasions this year, NATO nations, including Britain and Norway, have sent fighters to escort Russian bombers nearing their territory.


Associated Press Writer Steve Gutterman in Moscow contributed to this report.

I don't know about everyone else... But this is priceless!!! I was thinking the same thing!!


Just remember to piss in the radiator!

Aim Center Mass
I feel Putin is more of a threat than Ahmadinejad ever thought of being, talk about taking your eye off the ball. he's setting himself up to control Russia for years to come and he's no saint. If I understand it right he's useing his power now to make the PM position in his goverment much more powerful , then he'll become PM once he leaves his current office. Putin has an ego and he's getting more confident, with China on his side most of the time he has good reason to. this is why even if we were ready to strike Iran we never will, the warnings have been very suttle so far but we're listening.
> I feel Putin is more
>of a threat than Ahmadinejad
>ever thought of being, talk
>about taking your eye off
>the ball. he's setting himself
>up to control Russia for
>years to come and he's
>no saint. If I understand
>it right he's useing his
>power now to make the
>PM position in his goverment
>much more powerful , then
>he'll become PM once he
>leaves his current office.
>Putin has an ego and
>he's getting more confident, with
>China on his side most
>of the time he has
>good reason to. this is
>why even if we were
>ready to strike Iran we
>never will, the warnings have
>been very suttle so far
>but we're listening.


i agree
OK, how about this. Amadinejad wants a nuke............let's send him one. That'll settle Iran down for good, and China and Russia will see that we are still a nuclear power. LOL

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