Runnin' Wild...From Ted Nugent


Long Time Member
New reality TV show coming out that looks pretty interesting. sometimes its hard to stomach ol over the top Ted but this might be worth watching

Ted Nugent's latest reality project, Runnin' Wild...From Ted Nugent, will premiere on CMT this August. According to the press release: "In each one-hour episode...Nugent instructs three competitors on one of what he calls the 'Big Five of Survival,' which include psychology of Survival, Shelter, Water, Fire, and Food, and will then design an obstacle centered on that skill. The lessons learned in each episode will be put to the test in the 'big hunt,' as the competitors try to survive on their own, all while Nugent and Rocco [his 18-year-old son], attempt to hunt them down. In this twist on the competition/elimination format, Nugent will determine the outcome himself at the end of each episode."
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-09 AT 08:13AM (MST)[p]Sounds pretty good to me.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
How cool would that be to actually hunt a human?! Although, most humans are not as smart as most animals.....take BOBCAT for example!! HaHa j/k!!

Remember the Incredible Hulk Episode where the evil guy brought David Banner to a really remote area and let him go so he could hunt him down? David Banner escaped and the final scene was David Banner going down a river (just leaving the dock) listening to a tape recorder and the bad guy knew if the Hulk had killed him that the tape recorder was the last way to kill the Hulk. The tape recorder exploded but David Banner was already too far away from the recorder when it exploded. That is the only Incredible Hulk show I remember. I thought it went well with this post. Anyone else remember this one?

i'm not sure if i should be impressed or scared that you remember that. wasnt that like 20 years ago?
I was one of the participants that Uncle Ted hunted. We filmed in Waco, actually at his ranch south of China Springs in February. I believe my episode will air in August.

Dean Parisian
Life Member of NRA,TN,MN & GA Trapping Assc.'s. Kids who trap and hunt don't mug little old ladies. Baiting is a significant condemnation of a shooters ability to hunt.
Dean- Obviously you fared ok seeing how you are alive. He must not have gotten you, eh? That must've been a pretty cool experience.

Feleno- I know it was a long time ago....I don't quite know why that episode sticks in my head. Maybe cuz it has to do with hunting? I'm not sure. I don't remember but it might have scared the poop out of me....thinking that could really happen.....the hunting humans part.....not the human turning into a huge green roids freak! What do you think, Slam? HaHa

I like Nugents message, and attitude...But come on, how many fair chase hunts has this clown been on in the last 10 years?
Until the show airs I am prohibited from saying anything about the show. The legalese was rather lengthy. That said, that was the first time I had ever been on a high-fence ranch. Funny thing, last night I took a call from a caller representing the Texas Trophy Hunters magazine. I told them I don't hunt over bait and that the lapsed subscription had been a gift from an elk-hunting partner who now lives in Texas. Nugent has some bomber whitetails on that Texas property. Tall, wide and thick for sure. I have no clue how several days of filming will come out in a 44 minute show. I'll be either the hammer or the nail, it's however they want to "cut" the show!

We are having a huge party at my home here when it airs. All of you MM's are invited!

Dean Parisian
Life Member of NRA,TN,MN & GA Trapping Assc.'s. Kids who trap and hunt don't mug little old ladies. Baiting is a significant condemnation of a shooters ability to hunt
Hope it goes better than his last reality show Surviving Nugent. Some crackhead tried to jump over Teds pickup while it was barreling strait at him and wound up as a hood ornament, not very smart but Im guessing he got a good chunk of Uncle Teds money for that. Anyone else see that one?

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