Ruffin it; Q



whats the longest you went with out taking a shower from being out in the woods, mine was 4 days, packed into curricante (Spelling?) cayon back in the late 80's, dam, couldn't stand myself, had to make a B line for a shower real quick!
I backpacked into the Trinity Alps Wilderness to hunt with some buddies about 15 years back. We spent a total of 9 days in there hunting hard and doing alot of walking. Needless to say the shower flet real good when I returned home.

In 1979 I went to the Yukon and Northwest Territories. Not much of anything there at that time in the way of towns and probably still isn't. Had no outfitter or guide it was all do it yourself fishing. I spent 4 weeks from home including driving. Took three real showers in that time, one on the way up and two on the way home. Tried to bath in the lakes and rivers but the mosquitoes ate me alive. The fishing was unsurpassed and also the smell.
My wife still tells people about it.
When we go to CO for elk each year we usually get a shower once over about 10 or 11 days.

When I used to fight forest fires, 2 or 3 weeks without a shower wasn't uncommon.


After awhile you get a little used to it because the stench sticks to everything. Took years to get it out of my pickup from that trip. Did I say the fishing was unbelievable? It was. Almost made up for the stink.

I'm not saying it wasn't worth it...

I just remember my trip man... never again...well maybe if its worth it LOL...
Try one of those little "sun showers".
They don't weigh a thing or take up hardly any space whatsoever.
All you need is a creek or something for your water source, fill the bag up, let it sit out in the sun and there ya go....instant shower every day!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
29 days mountaineering the north cascades for me, but after about 5-6 you clean out your system of all the bad food we eat and you dont smell as bad, or maybe you just get use to it?

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
>29 days mountaineering the north cascades
>for me, but after about
>5-6 you clean out your
>system of all the bad
>food we eat and you
>dont smell as bad, or
>maybe you just get use
>to it?
>"Roadless areas, in general, represent some
>of the best fish and
>wildlife habitat on public lands.
> The bad news is
>that there is nothing positive
>about a road where fish
>and wildlife habitat are concerned
>-- absolutely nothing." (B&C
>Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair
>Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).

Probably the latter.
31 days in the Army during Desert Storm. Washed up as best I could. Hunting was 13 days on an elk hunt. Still cleaned up as best I could. Thank god for baby wipes.

Manny, 4 days without a shower? That's like saying you went 30 minutes without taking a leak! LOL!

I've been on a few 14 day backpacking trips without a bath or shower. The scary part is, like TFinal said, you get used to it. We always had to wash our socks and underwear every few days though.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-07 AT 06:14PM (MST)[p]baby wipes, awesome never thought of that!

eel; I'm a wuss nowa days...

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