
Long Time Member
Well guys I just got home from the worst weekend ever! I know theres quite a few people here with young kids. The hospital said this is the worst year they have seen for RSV, every viral case there has been RSV.

Saturday night my wife and I were laying in be with my youngest trying to get him to feel a little better. He had been coughing and had a fever off and on all day and the night before. He crawled over on my wifes lap and layed down and about a minute later he started having a seizure. We jumped up I called 911 and grabbed my other kid and jumped in the car to meet the ambulance. Once we got to the ER he had 2 more small ones. We stayed there for about 5 hours next to a drunk and very disorderly guy on the other side of the curtain (the er was packed) in handcuffs. They paged life flight and my wife and Weston took a plane ride to Primary Childrens and I drove out in the car dodging deer and elk all the way with a blizzard on top of strawberry. I got to the hospital about 3:30am. We just got home today.

He had 3 fibrile seizures caused by a high fever that spiked really fast. The fever was caused by RSV, He is handling the RSV ok and his oxygen levels are staying up but we need to watch him close.

This is one way the virus can turn, watch your kids wash your and their hands often and watch those fevers! The virus itself is very bad and can send your kids for a few different bad loops!

Hope Weston gets better soon, we'll keep you in our prayers.

I have two small kids of my own and I know how bad that feeling is going to the hospital with one sick like that.

My oldest girl (4yrs) has been to the ER three twice this winter. Once with an ear infection. She didn't complain any and no fever but all the sudden started holding her ears and crying then a few minutes later started throwing up all over so off the the ER we went.

The other time she fell into our rock fireplace on a saturday night and knocked her three front teeth back so bad she couldn't bite down she also bit through her tongue and busted her lip real bad. One of the teeth had to be pulled and they said wait and see on the others but they are turning dark so i'm afraid when we take her back to the dentist they will have to be pulled too.
Hope all is on the upswing justr!

Went through it with my Son many Moons ago,nothin fun about RSV!

Keep us posted & hope he recovers soon!
I'm glad your son is pulling through alright. Nothing worse than seeing them in that condition. My daughter just got over a fever and cough, now my son has it. Every time he gets sick, his asthma kicks into over-drive. Friggin daycare's are terrible for that kind of crap. Again, I'm glad your boy is ok.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 05:46PM (MST)[p]He is back to part time monster, he gets tired pretty quick.up until now I didn't miss him running over my toes with a tonka truck. I think that's why they got rid of us, don't know how much more weston that room couldve taken!

Its settleing in on Kole now but the doctor said it shouldn't be as hard on him. We know exactly what to watch for on him.

Watching Weston have a seizure was horrible and I never want to do that again!

Its very bad for kids and old people. Its a virus that makes mucus thick enough you can't breathe through it in your throat instead of your lungs.

I could be wrong but that's how I understood it.

Respiratory Syncitial Virus. nasty little bugger for the smaller kids! It can look a lot like the flu, but JustR is right, high fevers can cause febrile seizures, which can be really dangerous since seizures also increase body temperature if they are successive.

If your child is trying so hard to breathe that he/she sucks in their belly, go to the ER asap. Keep them home from daycare and school if they show symptoms of any sickness, do your part to keep it from spreading!

That being said, I work at a clinic, and we are slammed with sick kids tonight!!

Good luck to your little ones man. I've got a 10 month old son he is our first child. I dont know how I'd be able to handle seeing him have a siezure. Ill definitely keep you guys in my prayers.
Glad to hear everything is almost back to normal.

I had one develop pneumonia and spend a few nights in the hospitol for dehydration.
Glad the little hurricane is on his way to recovery. It breaks my heart to see him in pain. I don't know why but he likes me. . . . . That makes it even harder to see him down. Let me know what else I can do.
When they get better we need to take them to the "crick" and go fishin. I still owe Koley that hat.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p] Keep a close eye on the little ones. Sounds like you have it under control. Not to scare ya but my sister had a little one with RSV she took her into the ER Dr on duty did a wrong diognastic. They treated her for the flu. That was 15 yrs ago today she is still a mushroom and still has seizers!! She was normal before RSV So stay alert. Prayers for the little ones. Dr's and Hospital settled out of court. But my sis has to babysit her, for her whole life sad deal .

Just giving ya heads up it can be worse then any flu if not treated but they know how to treat it.

My youngest son went through that first 2 years of his life. He was sick almost every month, in the hospital several times for extended stays.
Somewhere around 2 years old he stopped getting sick. Now he is my best hunting buddy.
Justr glad all is getting better.
My little girl just turned 7 months old today. She is sick and running a good fever poor little thing try's to be happy but she just doesnt feel good. Im glad you and pred brought this to my attention really hope its just a cold. Hope your lil guys recovery is fast.
Sorry to hear you had such a rough weekend bud!! Definitely glad to hear he's doing ok now...keep an eye on him and keep us posted!!

Git better little guy!! :)

Scary stuff there. Sorry your little guy is going through this. Thoughts and prayers for your family and his speedy recovery
Glad he's starting to do better Justr. My youngest has had RSV It is something you do not want to mess with. My son has had a fever of 105, and he just about passed out on me taking him to the er last year. Keep us updated man.
Thanks justr - and glad to see that you made it home safe and your boys are good. Nasty stuff! I am glad that my kids are older and not as susceptible, though it could still put them out of commission for a couple of days and could lead to pnuemonia.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-11 AT 08:16AM (MST)[p]Glad he getting better,I hope all is well .

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Justr....glad to hear your son is doing better..
I can vouch for how terrible seizures are. My wife has been going thru them since New Years eve and we are having a hard time getting them under control. There is nothing worse than seeing them seizure and knowing there is not one damn thing you can do to stop them. It is totally heartbreaking.
I can't imagine a child having them..
I hope that he continues to get better.
Nothing worse than a sick kid!
Good luck!
Thanks everyone for the best wishes and prayers! It means a lot!

Its amazing how resilient kids are. My wife called me today ready to pull her hair out. He has officially regained his full time monster status and is making up for lost time! All the while its setting in on Kole he is being pretty tough about it and good as long as mom keeps cartoons and water/gatorade close by him so she can chase Weston around.

Keep a close eye on your little ones, its bad stuff and hope everyone's sick kids have a speedy and full recovery!

My son is in the hospital right now with this but he is doing pretty good I think we caught it in time before it got worst.

justr_86 glad to hear your son is better
Glad to hear he is fine now!

Been through RSV with my youngest when he was a couple months old, VERY SCARY!!

Docs said he would probably have respiratory issues later in life from damage caused by RSV but he is 6 now and fine. Sounds like your "monster" and mine are two peas.

Glad to hear your boy is doing better. My wife and I just went through (still going through) the same thing with our boy that is only 5 weeks old. It started this weekend while I was gone and my wife had to go through it by herself. Scary stuff. The doc checked him out and said that he thought he was going to pull out of it but if he got any worse he would have to go to the hospitle. He has only gotten better since the doc checked him out and I think we are out of the woods now.

I feel for you man. Take care of those kid everyone this stuff is mean.

I hope all goes well from here on out, Justr. That's hard to go through....felling hopeless, waiting for the ambulance and so forth. God pulled him through. Be thankful and enjoy every minute you can with that little boy. I've lost one and it really puts things in perspective. You can hear, "God's got a plan" only so many times until you realize that theres partial truth in it. Years later, after the resentment of "Gods plan" has disipated, you look at your other children through different eyes. Glad he came out on the good side of Gods plan. Give that boy a hug and a kiss...

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Wisz... That's horrible! I can't even stand the thought of losing one of my kids. They are my everything. For what its worth I'm really sorry for your loss.

We as a family said lots of prayers and asked our families and friends for prayers too, kawboy came to primary childrens and gave him a blessing also and after every prayer that I know was said, to me it seemed almost immediately he was doing a little better at a time. I know our prayers were answered. I appreciate everyone here's prayers as I know they helped. Thank you everyone!

Wow Wiszard, that is terrible. I am not sure how one goes on after something like that. I cannot imagine. So sorry you had to go through that.

justr- How about an update. Everything ok? I hope so....

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Well none of us have been sleeping all that great til last night. Weston fell sleep at 4 I woke him up to give him some medicine at about 7 and he went right back to sleep (awake under a minute) he didn't hardly move all night until a little after 8 this morning. A good 16 hours of sleep did some good, he is still coughing a bit but seems to be feeling great!

Gave kole his medicine at the same time and he fell asleep on my chest watching tv and didn't wake up until Weston jumped on him this morning shortly after he woke up. He is still coughing a bit but seems to be feeling a lot better also!


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