Roy spotted!!!


Long Time Member
Roy has a PhD in Spanish Lit. He claims to love the Latino people, their language and culture.

Yeah, I thought that was a little strange too.

Well, we followed him down south of the border to Puerto Rico recently. The photos we got are shocking and disturbing to say the least.



LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-11 AT 03:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-11 AT 11:09?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-11 AT 11:01?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-11 AT 10:59?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-11 AT 10:56?AM (MST) (edits to correct varios typos I spotted after posting)

My love is for ALL things Latin - even those pobre tortugas. They only understand Spanish you know! This was one of my great humanitarian and conservation efforts to help keep the world population of these magnificent, fascinating and dangerous creatures alive and vibrant. Over 5000 turtles were rescued this day and allowed to be hatched under safer conditions in a safer habitat so they can be returned to the wild to prosper, proliferate and revitalize the species. We collected the eggs and transfered the hens to a better nesting area. Some of the bags you see us carrying are bags of special feed used for the hens when they are nesting.

Oh and those aren't capri's - that pic was taken after the run in I had with a bull tortuga who snapped and ripped the bottom off of both pant legs. There are only a few of us left in the world who dare mess with the bulls - 4 in fact, and 3 of them are already dead.

Thanks for the post Eel - I am glad you finally decided to show me for what I truly am - A true turtle conservationist and Sportsman. After the negative, felonious, and slanderous publicity you have been so egregiously spreading about me it is refreshing to be caught in the middle of one of my many true charitable acts.

I am haunted by turtles.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
After the negative, felonious, and slanderous publicity you have been so egrgariously spreading

Roy easy on those big words ok???? This is a hunting forum!! LOL
As compelling and believable as your story is I still have my suspicions. Eel had sent me a few other pictures that just turn my stomach, pictures he failed to post for fear of some kind of physical retaliation by you or some of your hired thugs. I'm not afraid! Let's hear your explanation. This don't look like a better nesting site!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-11 AT 12:11PM (MST)[p]I found this rare footage of Roy on a turtle hunt as a boy. Notice his camo facepaint.

He used a fake name since he was turtle poaching. I guess the season runs 11 days ? You cant hide who you are ROY !
Conservation my fanny Roy. There is one thing Latin...well two things that you love more than the rest. The first is Juanita, and more importantly in this context is HUEVOS RANCHEROS. Not sure who you think you're kidding here but the writing on the wall is clear. I bet you would have harvested (stolen) those eggs on atvs had your fear of crushing some of your potential 'poached' eggs not been a concern. Pathetic. :)
Feleno - some of the natives there have subsistence harvest permits for a certain number of eggs for private consumption only. They consider them a delicacy but since I am not a native, I was not allowed to partake so I have no idea what "juevos tortugancheros" taste like, though the looked kind of grey and not very appetizing.

This lady was the mother of 19 children and this was her allotment of eggs, alas, she didn't have enough to feed all of her children but she kept on smiling nonetheless. They were so grateful for our efforts that they named my honorary tribal turtle hunter, quite an honor indeed.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
lingua Latina
Latin inscription in the Colosseum
Pronunciation [laˈtiːna]
Spoken in Roman Monarchy, Roman Republic, Roman Empire, Medieval and Early modern Europe, Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (as lingua franca),
Vatican City

Total speakers ?
Language family Indo-European

Official status
Official language in Holy See
Regulated by In antiquity, Roman schools of grammar and rhetoric.[1] Today, Opus Fundatum Latinitas.[2]
Language codes
ISO 639-1 la
ISO 639-2 lat
ISO 639-3 lat
Linguasphere ?

Greatest extent of the Roman Empire, the general area over which Latin would have been spoken. It was, however, by no means confined to these regions, and Koine Greek, Coptic, Syriac, and other native languages were dominant in the Eastern half.
Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode.
Latin my ass. Roy has a PHD in bastardized Spanish. Probably end up a HR director for Wal-Mart..... You know I'm teasing Roy. I'm sure you'll land that job at Jaun's turtle ranch. Somebody has to milk those big bull turtles.


Latin (English pronunciation: /ˈl?tɪn/; lingua latīna, IPA: [laˈtiːna]) is an Italic language[3] originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome. It, along with most European languages is a descendant of the Ancient Proto-Indo-European language. Although it is often considered a dead language, a small number of scholars and members of the Christian clergy can speak it fluently, and it continues to be taught in schools and universities.[4] Latin has been, and currently is, used in the process of new word production in modern languages from many different families, including English. Latin and its daughter Romance languages are the only surviving branch of the Italic language family. Other branches, known as Italic languages, are attested in documents surviving from early Italy, but were assimilated during the Roman Republic. The one possible exception is Venetic, the language of the people who settled Venetia, who in Roman times spoke their language in parallel with Latin.

"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
That's why Roy is the Master. You can't hold and you can't catch him.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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