Roy, LONGHORNS going down in LBK!


Very Active Member
I think this is our year to finally get a shot at Texas! It will be a great game(I hope). The thing with Tech is they are a wildcard, for ex. win a big game and lose to Baylor or something like that. It is time for Tech to show up Once. We have a big road after this weekend. Texas is on the downhill slide after this game. Sat. morning opening day of deer season, I am hunting until noon then headed over to Lubbock. Sorry Roy, I hope we knock you down this weekend:)
I hate the Horns but they are one heck of a team. Brutal schedule. I am praying that Graham has the game of his life and the Red Raiders just destroy the horns but I am taking the horns in a close one. Graham has a pick 6 that changes the momentum of the game and Texas takes over in the second half. Hoping I am wrong.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-08 AT 10:46AM (MST)[p]I agree that Tech has a great team and this is a definite test for the Horns, but the Red Raiders lack one thing that will definitely make the difference: DEFENSE.

We'll see how it plays out!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>AT 10:46?AM (MST)

>I agree that Tech has a
>great team and this is
>a definite test for the
>Horns, but the Red Raiders
>lack one thing that will
>definitely make the difference: DEFENSE.

Well - I guess I stand corrected! The Raiders came to play last night and knocked the Horns around the first half. I thought we had pulled it out - but it wasn't meant to be! That is why I love college football though!

Congrats to the Red Raiders! Good luck the rest of the season.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

How do you see the rest of the seaon
going for these two programs ??

Some Great football right there.

That was a great game last night.

When it's all said and done I believe Florida will be the National Champion.
It sure was a great game! One down two more to go. Tech showed up to play some football AND Defense:) Lubbbock was pretty crazy that night.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-22-08 AT 08:42PM (MST)[p]WHOAH! Major bump in the road in Norman! Texas needed this but maybe not that bad of a butt whuppin!

Guns down tonight.


Larry to answer your question - I figured this would happen to Tech, but not like this for sure.(52-7 right now - middle of Q3)

Texas is going to bury the Aggies this next week. (Sorry - but Coach Fran didn't leave much in the defensive cupboard for Sherman. Watch out though - Sherman is building something there!) and we need OK State to beat the Sooners next week. If so - Texas is in the Big 12 Championship game against Missouri - they win that and I don't think they can be held out of the championship game.

If Oklahoma wins next week though, they probably jump ahead of Texas in the BCS - crazy as it seems.

Man - what I wouldn't give for a playoff!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, My Red Raiders were pathetic this weekend!! I cannot believe the ass whippin they took. Thats Tech for ya.

I am disgusted but not surprised!
Yeah - that's college kids for you! One top of the world one week - at the bottom the next. Oklahoma is good - but not that good!

It sucks too when 3 of the top 5 or so teams in the country are all in the same division of the same conference!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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